Saturday, April 27, 2019
Group Counseling in Elementary Schools Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Group discuss in Elementary Schools - Essay ExampleDue to this legislation school counselors are being anticipate to contribute more towards the academic achievements of their student body (Brigman & Campbell, 2003).The following paper aims to inform the reader approximately two interventions that are currently used as part of school-based group way. First, a brief depict of the purpose behind group focusing for unsophisticated students shall be provided. Second two group hash out intervention activities shall be presented. Next, an outline of ethical and best practice principles shall be identified that align with a learner-centered approach to group advocate. Finally, a conclusion shall summarize the key themes of this paper.Group counseling within the elementary environment has more recently taken on a learner-centered approach to school counseling (Stroh & Sink, 2002). new-fashioned changes to education legislation emphasize a focus on student academic achievements (Bri gman & Campbell, 2003). ... School-based group counseling is proving to be an effective intervention for positive change in student behavior (Schechtman, 2002). Group counseling intervention activities may be centered around a diverse range of topics, such as friendship and social skills study, anti-bullying, organizational skills development, building self-esteem, changes to family dynamics and grief, just to name a few (Schechtman, 2002) .Group counseling has been found to significantly reduce rates of acting-out behavior in elementary students considered to be at find (Stroh & Strike, 2002). Interventions that deliver included group counseling have also been found to be beneficial at improving overall behavioral adjustment of elementary students (Stroh & Strike, 2002). The use of small group counseling interventions have been found to positively affect the racial attitudes of elementary students (Stroh & Strike, 2002), as well as increase scores on measures of self-concept amo ngst school aged children (McGannon, Casey, & Dimmitt, 2005). In 2002 Chemtob, Nakashima and Hamada conducted a community wide school-based study of elementary students with on-going disaster-related trauma two years after Hurricane Iniki. The sample was comprised of 2 358 children in grades 2-6 on the island of Kauai. There were 248 children who rated highest on scores of psychological trauma. Children awaiting treatment comprised the waiting-list control group. The other children were randomly assigned to either the individual or group counseling treatment. Following four treatment sessions there was a significant reduction in self-reports of trauma-related symptoms as compared to the waiting list group. Although,
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