Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Drosophila Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Drosophila - hear ExampleMutant flies, with fault in any of numerous thousand genes are presented, and the entire genome has deep been sequenced.The drosophila egg is or so mm long. It takes about cardinal day by and by fertilisation for the embryo to grow and emerge into a worm-like larva. The larva eats and larns constantly, moulting one day, two days, and four days after hatching (first, second and third instars). After two days as a third instar larva, it moults one more time to form a motionless pupa. Over the next four days, the body is all altered to give the adult winged form, which then hatches from the pupal case and is prolific within about 12 hours.Drosophila is so admired it would be nearly unfeasible to list the number of personal effects that are being done with it. Initially, it was mainly used in catchings, for example to learn that genes were associated to proteins and to learn the rules of genetic legacy. More lately, it is used mainly in developmental bio logy, stare to see how a multifaceted being arises from a comparatively simple fertilised egg. Embryonic development is where most of the concentration is determined, but there is withal a great deal of attention in how a variety of adult formation develop in the pupa, mainly purposeful on the development of the complex eye, but also on the wings, legs and opposite organs. Mutation analysis Mutation analysis is a pre-eminent investigation too in modern biology. In broad, new mutations are produced and monitor to tell apart genes that influence a biological trait of attention. The goal is to recognize the fundamental genes domineering trait manifestation and the role of these genes in the progression. Mutations in D. melanogaster have recognized genes that apprise raise longevity. In all cases, identical DNA (P elements) was used to encourage the mutations. When a P component moves and reinserts itself in an other(a) place in the genome it can cause a mutation. As disparate to t ransgenic oer expression, all of the mutations illustrated reduce the expression of, or completely inactivate, precise genes. The first D. melanogaster longevity-extension mutation was in the longbeard (mth) gene (Lin et al. 1998). The mth alteration results in incomplete loss of parting of the gene and widen longevity by 35 percent. The mth gene generates a protein, most probably a G protein--coupled receptor, that fit in to a family of proteins related with a range of functions in higher organisms together with endocrinology, neurology, and reaction to external incentive. The recognized G protein product of the mth gene is not analogous to any of the G proteins of known function in other organisms, and thus the precise function of the mth gene is not compulsory by comparison with other organisms. there is evidence that the mth gene plays a role in regulation of neuromuscular neurotransmitter function (Song et al. 2001). Again, neuromuscular function might be particularly signif icant for aging and longevity. The mt/i mutation resulted in meliorate stress resistance (Lin et al. 1998), and the mutant flies were roughly one-third larger than controls. Mutant flies were significantly more resistant to malnourishment,
Managment-- managing change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Managment-- managing change - Essay ExampleThe chosen connection is a ship broking company that acts as the intermediate source between the ship owners and clients who want to im instigateing their goods by means of ships. The clients present their requirement of the delivery time and the amount of dry commodities that are unavoidable to be transported. The gross sales executives of the chosen company browse done their database of ship owners whose service attributes and routes comply with the requirements of the client. The location of the expedition orders are tracked by the shipment tracking department until the orders reach their destinations. An interview was plan with the prudence executive who headed the proficient change in the company. The analysis of the companys transition towards technological infrastructure gave useful information about the strategies that are adopted in the real world. Journal papers, articles and organisational reports were also studied for t he theoretical information about the single topic. 2. Drivers of Change According to the information provided by the executive, the drivers of the change in the company can be categorized into two types internal and external. 2.1 Internal Drivers The sales executives had to access the database of the ship owners whenever a shipment request was received from a client. It involved excessive traversals through the database and extensive calculations of several factors such as shortest route, cost effective route and rates of the routes. Such touch on consumed lot of time of the sales executives, due to which they could not cater all the requests from the clients. Denial of service to clients very much led to more business for the competitors. The calculation of the routes and costs was not always error-free since it involved manual processing. The shipment tracking department did not have a reliable system to track the status of the orders. other aspect that led to the technologica l intervention in the company, involved the lack of any software finish or tool to evaluate the performance of the company. The top management had to rely on the reports that were generated by the respective departments these reports were manually made after the accumulation of figures for generated revenues, losses etc. The technological change had been a part of the companys long term goals but never materialized since the top management was not on the whole committed to the cause. An organizational change cannot prove to be productive for the company if the support of the top management is not present (Joanne 2002). When the external, as well as internal factors accumulated, the top management decided to richly commit to the technological change in the company. 2.2 External Drivers Other companies in the ship broking industry had started to instruction on the technological integration in their companies. The market positions of the competitors started improving since they wer e able to cater to more clients and actualize more profits due to their organizational change. Clients of the modern times even prefer technological processes and trading operations since they are error free and fast-paced. External changes play a vital role in foretoken the need for changes in the internal processes of the organization (Mackenzie n.d.). 3. Perspectives of Change Three systems were planned to be deployed in the organization. The relevancy
Monday, April 29, 2019
Fully discuss absortion and emission spectroscopy follows instruction Assignment
Fully discuss absortion and waiver spectroscopy follows instruction below - Assignment ExampleThe nuclear emission spectrometer consists of four major components. These include the atomizer, the nebulizer, the Monchromator and the detector. Flame is utilise to atomize the smack so that the resultant atoms can interact with the radiation. Monchromator is used to discriminate wavelengths that do not conform to the requirements of the experiment. Detector is used to detect the emitted wavelengths. During experiment, five touch ones take place. The initiative three processes takes place simultaneously. These threes processes include the dissolvation, vaporization and atomization. They take place when the sample is introduced into the atomizer. Dissolvation is the process where the solvent sued to fragment the sample is evaporated (Crouch & Skoog 63).The thermal heat vim from the atomizer forces the solvent, which is water, to evaporate instantly. Vaporization occurs when the resul tant solid sample is vaporized into gases. Lastly, the atomization occurs when the resultant gases are broken down into atoms. All these takes place as a result of high thermal muscle from the flame. Principally, both the atomic emission spectroscopy and the atomic dousing spectroscopy exhibit all these three steps. However, the fourth step is what differentiates the atomic emission spectroscopy from the atomic absorption spectroscopy. I atomic emission spectroscopy, the gaseous products obtained are excited to higher energy level. irritation occurs when the electrons in the atoms gain energy and move to higher energy levels. However, the electrons cannot stay in the higher energy level indefinitely (Crouch & Skoog 71).This is because there is no constant energy to maintain them in the higher energy levels. Because of this, they are unstable. Consequently, to regain their stability, electrons would be forced to drop back to their original state called ground state. This process i s called de-excitation. De-excitation is normally accompanied by several
Sunday, April 28, 2019
The Future of Mass Media Programming Term Paper
The Future of Mass Media programming - Term Paper ExampleThe term paper The Future of Mass Media Programming analyzes the future of diverse types of mass media such as the broadcast and affect medias. The paper discusses if their way of presenting the information allow for limiting due to the appearance of new technologies.The future of the mass media programming allow for comprise of a extremely integrated single electronic system that depart give way the ability to output high-quality audio, video, and printed materials. In this case, e precisething will be obtained electronically, including newspapers, movies, videos. Everything is going digital, and in the future, it seems there will be more smart media devices, which will be controlled using voices. In ten years time, media landscape will be far much vary whereby print and broadcast forms of media will be accessible via the internet. The Broadcast form of content will be replaced by streaming content. Many people will have large OLED screens connected to the internet. The large hearing will be in a position to watch or view television at the same time globally.Printed physical materials such as books and newspapers will not be competent as compared to those that are accessible online. Eventually, publishing companies will have to collaborate with the internet to provide their information on time. So, the media companies will have to give the best quality of information since competition will be very high and profits will mainly depend on the value of information delivered and the number of the audition who find the information valuable. (Daud, 2008). Actually, there will be one main channel of information distribution, and it will only require one device that has access to the internet. Everything will be accessible in there, and this will force media companies to change their production strategies. Application of blogging will help the forms of media to persuade the audience to access informat ion. entirely media companies and institutions will have to start a marketing strategy that will help in ambit a big audience. A global media policy must be established to protect media companies from hackers and a mode in which the companies will make a profit. Print media will have to make their products procurable online for easy access and selling. Bookstores will be having very few books on the shelves. The customer request for a book and it is printed and bind at that moment. However, it will be important to avail all books and other print resources in the internet, to ensure that there is easy access by the customers. Therefore, all publishing companies will have to provide all of their books online. Electronic books will be the best selling and maximize profits of the causality and the publishing companies. Another strategy of availing the books to the readers is through the creation of audio books. Many people have a problem reading a book online because of different co mmitments, but they can listen to audio books plot of land
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Group Counseling in Elementary Schools Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Group discuss in Elementary Schools - Essay ExampleDue to this legislation school counselors are being anticipate to contribute more towards the academic achievements of their student body (Brigman & Campbell, 2003).The following paper aims to inform the reader approximately two interventions that are currently used as part of school-based group way. First, a brief depict of the purpose behind group focusing for unsophisticated students shall be provided. Second two group hash out intervention activities shall be presented. Next, an outline of ethical and best practice principles shall be identified that align with a learner-centered approach to group advocate. Finally, a conclusion shall summarize the key themes of this paper.Group counseling within the elementary environment has more recently taken on a learner-centered approach to school counseling (Stroh & Sink, 2002). new-fashioned changes to education legislation emphasize a focus on student academic achievements (Bri gman & Campbell, 2003). ... School-based group counseling is proving to be an effective intervention for positive change in student behavior (Schechtman, 2002). Group counseling intervention activities may be centered around a diverse range of topics, such as friendship and social skills study, anti-bullying, organizational skills development, building self-esteem, changes to family dynamics and grief, just to name a few (Schechtman, 2002) .Group counseling has been found to significantly reduce rates of acting-out behavior in elementary students considered to be at find (Stroh & Strike, 2002). Interventions that deliver included group counseling have also been found to be beneficial at improving overall behavioral adjustment of elementary students (Stroh & Strike, 2002). The use of small group counseling interventions have been found to positively affect the racial attitudes of elementary students (Stroh & Strike, 2002), as well as increase scores on measures of self-concept amo ngst school aged children (McGannon, Casey, & Dimmitt, 2005). In 2002 Chemtob, Nakashima and Hamada conducted a community wide school-based study of elementary students with on-going disaster-related trauma two years after Hurricane Iniki. The sample was comprised of 2 358 children in grades 2-6 on the island of Kauai. There were 248 children who rated highest on scores of psychological trauma. Children awaiting treatment comprised the waiting-list control group. The other children were randomly assigned to either the individual or group counseling treatment. Following four treatment sessions there was a significant reduction in self-reports of trauma-related symptoms as compared to the waiting list group. Although,
Friday, April 26, 2019
Proposal on efficiency by design Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Proposal on efficiency by design - Lab Report ExampleMany people believe that termites are just a liability in terms of destroying structures but East gate Building, an office complex in Harare, Zimbabwe, in Africa has a different story. The air conditioning systems in this gate are designed on self-cooling mounds of Macrotermes michaelseni.The termites prevail their inner nest temperature to within one degree, day and night as the temperatures outside moves from 42 C to 3 C (Downton, 407). Through this, there is considerable energy saving and this case presents a unafraid example of bio mimicry and its application. This concept can be applied in many other such(prenominal) structures with the aim of harnessing the activities of the termites to release energy for use in architectural concepts (Florax, et al, 63).Florax, R J. G. M, Groot H. L. F. De, and Peter Mulder. Improving vigor Efficiency Through Technology Trends, Investment Behaviour and Policy Design. Cheltenham Edward Elg ar Pub, 2011. Internet
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