Thursday, September 3, 2020
Learning theories Essay Example for Free
Learning speculations Essay Essential exploration comprises of the assortment of unique essential information. It is frequently embraced after the specialist has increased some understanding into the issue by assessing auxiliary exploration or by breaking down recently gathered essential information. It tends to be cultivated through different strategies, including surveys and phone interviews in statistical surveying, or tests and direct perceptions in the physical sciences, among others. Optional Research: Auxiliary exploration (otherwise called work area research) includes the outline, resemblance as well as combination of existing examination as opposed to essential exploration, where information is gathered from, for instance, research subjects or investigations. The term is generally utilized in clinical examination and in statistical surveying. The primary approach in clinical auxiliary examination is the precise audit, usually utilizing meta-investigative factual procedures, albeit different techniques for amalgamation, similar to pragmatist surveys and meta-narrative[2] surveys, have been created as of late. Such optional examination utilizes the essential exploration of others commonly as exploration distributions and reports. In a statistical surveying setting, auxiliary examination is taken to incorporate the re-use by a second gathering of any information gathered by a first gathering or gatherings. In paleohistory and scene history, work area research is appeared differently in relation to hands on work. Essential Research Vs Secondary Research One of the significant contrasts between the two is that essential examination is led with the assistance of essential sources accessible where as optional exploration is led based on certain information gathered from somebody who had got it from the sources. Essential examination is costly to lead since it includes essential sources. However, optional examination isn't a lot of costly as essential. Another significant contrast between the two is that essential examination is considerably more tedious when contrasted with optional exploration. In actuality the outcomes found by the essential exploration are for the most part to have preferred quality over those from the lead of the optional examination. Essential exploration is additionally typically nitty gritty and explained since it should be both subjective just as quantitative. Then again information relating to auxiliary examination is normally very little point by point and expounded since it includes roundabout employments. Essential exploration is finished with a ton of difficult work and devotion. On the hand optional exploration is typically given various information and records. These are generally taken from books, periodicals distributed by legislative associations, factual information, yearly reports and contextual analysis ORGANIZATION Behavior. Hierarchical conduct is a field of study that examines the effect that people, gatherings and structures have on conduct inside an association to apply such information towards improving an associations adequacy. It is an interdisciplinary field that incorporates human science, brain research, correspondence, and the executives; and it supplements the scholastic investigations of authoritative hypothesis (which is centered around hierarchical and intra-hierarchical themes) and human asset considers (which is increasingly applied and business-arranged). It might likewise be alluded to as hierarchical examinations or authoritative science. The field has its underlying foundations in mechanical and authoritative brain science. 1 Organizational examinations incorporate the investigation of associations from numerous perspectives, strategies, and levels of examination. For example, one course reading partitions these numerous perspectives into three points of view: current, emblematic, and postmodern. Another conventional differentiation, present particularly inà American the scholarly community, is between the investigation of small scale authoritative conduct â⬠which alludes to individual and gathering elements in a hierarchical setting â⬠and full scale vital administration and hierarchical hypothesis which concentrates entire associations and enterprises, how they adjust, and the methodologies, structures and possibilities that control them. To this qualification, a few researchers have included an enthusiasm for meso scale structures force, culture, and the systems of people and I. e. ronit units in associations â⬠and field level examination which concentrate how entire populaces of associations communicate. At whatever point individuals communicate in associations, numerous variables become possibly the most important factor. Current authoritative investigations endeavor to comprehend and demonstrate these variables. Like all innovator sociologies, hierarchical examinations look to control, foresee, and clarify. There is some contention over the morals of controlling specialists conduct, just as the way in which laborers are dealt with (see Taylors logical administration approach contrasted with the human relations development of the 1940s). All things considered, authoritative conduct or OB (and its cousin, Industrial brain research) have on occasion been blamed for being the logical instrument of the incredible. Those allegations in any case, OB can assume a significant job in hierarchical turn of events, upgrading authoritative execution, just as individual and gathering execution/fulfillment/responsibility. One of the fundamental objectives of hierarchical scholars is, as per Simms (1994), to rejuvenate authoritative hypothesis and build up a superior conceptualization of hierarchical life. â⬠An authoritative scholar ought to deliberately consider levels suspicions being made in principle, and is worried to support directors and executives. 1. Prologue TO LEARNING. The way toward learning has extraordinary incentive for improving human life in all circles of life. All exercises and practices that make individual, social and financial life quiet and pleasurable are educated. Adapting unquestionably influences human conduct in associations. There is minimal hierarchical conduct that isn't either legitimately or by implication influenced by learning. For instance, a specialists aptitude, a chiefs demeanor, a directors inspiration and a secretarys method of dress are completely learned. Our capacity to learn is likewise essential to associations distracted with controlledâ performance. Representatives need to recognize what they are to do, how they are to do it, how well they are relied upon to do it, and the results of accomplishing great or helpless degrees of execution. In this manner, learning hypotheses have impacted a scope of hierarchical works on concerning: 1. The acceptance of newcomers 2. The structure and conveyance of employment preparing 3. The plan of installment frameworks 4. How chiefs assess and give input on worker execution 5. The plan of types of learning association The idea of the learning association got famous during the 1990s. The learning association is a design of structures and arrangements which support singular learning, with individual and hierarchical advantages. The association itself can likewise be viewed as an element which is equipped for adapting autonomously of its individuals. Information has consequently become a more significant resource for some associations than materials and items. 1. 1 WHAT IS Learning covers for all intents and purposes all practices and is worried about the procurement of information, mentalities and qualities, enthusiastic reactions, (for example, joy and dread), and engine abilities, (for example, working a PC console or riding a bike). We can learn wrong realities or get negative behavior patterns similarly that we learn right realities and gain great propensities. It alludes to a range of changes that happen because of ones experience. Learning might be characterized as any moderately perpetual change in conduct or social potential created by understanding. It might be noted here that some conduct changes occur because of the utilization of medications, liquor, or exhaustion. Such changes are transitory. They are not viewed as learning. Thusly, changes are because of training and experience, and generally lasting, alone are illustrative of learning. In the definition given above, plainly the way toward learning has certain particular qualities. These are: First, adapting consistently includes an encounter. These encounters might be gotten from inside the body or they might be tangible, emerging outside. The errand of surmising whether learning has occurred might be an undeniable one, however noticeable conduct may not generally uncover learning. It is imperative to recognize two kinds of learning. Procedural learning or knowing how, concerns your capacity to complete specific gifted activities, for example, riding a pony. Definitive learning or 'realizing that, worries your store of genuine information, for example, a comprehension of the historical backdrop of our utilization of the pony. Second, the conduct changes that occur because of learning are moderately lasting. Conduct can be changed incidentally by numerous different variables and in manners which we might not want to call learning. These different elements incorporate growing up or development (in youngsters), maturing (in grown-ups), medications, liquor and weakness. For instance, you more likely than not saw that at whatever point one takes a narcotic or medication or liquor, ones conduct changes. Every single one of these medications influence physiological capacities prompting certain adjustments in conduct. Such changes are transitory in nature and vanish as the impact of medications wears out. Third, learning can't be watched straightforwardly. We can just watch a people conduct and draw the surmising from it that learning has occurred. A qualification must be made among learning and execution. Execution is assessed by some quantitative and some subjective proportions of yield. For instance, the quantity of calls an agent makes to clients or the nature of a directors leading of an advisory group meeting. In any case, learning goes about as a requirement on the result. Typically, we can't play out any better than we have learned, however there are events when the privilege persuasive aura and a steady situation help to raise the degree of execution. Scientists have discovered that expanded inspiration may improve
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Causes Of Endangered Species Essay Example For Students
Reasons for Endangered Species Essay Reasons for Endangered Species Essay The term imperiled is utilized by global and national associations to characterize plants and creatures right now at risk for getting terminated. Despite the fact that the term imperiled is generally utilized, the meaning of a jeopardized species is significantly differed. Much of the time, the variables making a creature become jeopardized are human-related. While talking about the reasons for jeopardized species, comprehend that singular species are by all account not the only figures included this difficulty. Risk is a wide issue, one that includes the living spaces and situations where species live and connect with each other. Albeit a few measures are being taken to help explicit instances of danger, the all inclusive issue can't be explained until people ensure the indigenous habitats where imperiled species stay. Back in the fall of 1973 Congress passed the Endangered Species Act, the purpose of which was to recognize the plants and creatures in a tough situation and think of plans for sparing them. The exertion has likely been as questionable as it has been effective (Institute of Advanced Studies 39). Of the in excess of 1,400 species assigned as imperiled, just 18 have recuperated to where theyve been removed the rundown. After marking the Endangered Species Act on December 28, 1973, President Nixon expressed Nothing is more invaluable and more deserving of safeguarding than the rich exhibit of creature existence with which our nation has been honored (Environmental Protection Agency). Also, since researchers have cloned the last enduring individual from an uncommon type of dairy animals, some dread that the publics need to keep moving with respect to evaporating species may blur. Why clone more owls, the reasoning goes; however that, state natural life specialists, would be just a handy solution. Cloning would furnish us with singular creatures yet not the home to acquaint them with in the wild, says Jeff Flocken, jeopardized species outreach facilitator at the National Wildlife Federation. Whatevers making an animal varieties decrease, regardless of whether its misuse or decimation of a natural surroundings, would keep on putting that species in danger of being eradicated (National Wildlife Federation ). Today there are as of now 1246 types of plants and creatures that are either on the imperiled or compromised list in the United States and 1804 around the world. Of the 1804 jeopardized species around the world, just 975 of them have affirmed recuperation plans (Endangered Species Coalition). At the point when these individual cases are assembled and examined, a similar reason is undermining their reality over and over. Why clone more owls, the reasoning goes; yet that, state untamed life specialists, would be just a handy solution. Cloning would give us singular creatures however not the home to acquaint them with in the wild, says Jeff Flocken, jeopardized species outreach facilitator at the National Wildlife Federation. Whatevers making an animal categories decrease, regardless of whether its misuse or obliteration of a living space, would keep on putting that species in danger of being eliminated (National Wildlife Federation ). Today there are presently 1246 types of plants and creatures that are either on the jeopardized or undermined list in the United States and 1804 around the world. Of the 1804 imperiled species around the world, just 975 of them have affirmed recuperation plans (Endangered Species Coalition). At the point when these individual cases are gathered and contemplated, a similar reason is compromising their reality over and over. Quick living space annihilation is the primary explanation that species become jeopardized. Regular changes as a rule happen at a moderate rate, so the consequences for singular species are generally slight, at any rate over the present moment. At the point when the pace of switch is enormously speeded up, there might be no time for singular species to adjust to new conditions. The outcomes can be deplorable. This expansion in the pace of environment devastation is straightforwardly connected to the ascent in human populace. As more individuals need space for homes, ranches, strip malls, etc, there is less living space for species that can't adjust to evolving conditions. Individuals likewise influence plant and creature environments when they take wood, oil and different items from the land. It very well may be hard for people to perceive the impacts that people have had on explicit species. It is difficult to recognize or foresee human consequences for singular species and environments, particularly during a human lifetime. In any case, it is very obvious that human movement has enormously added to species danger. For instance, albeit tropical backwoods may look as if they are rich, they are very vulnerable to devastation. This is on the grounds that the dirts wherein they develop are deficient with regards to supplements. .u6f8f16a2c1efa3603f2134732d66c6df , .u6f8f16a2c1efa3603f2134732d66c6df .postImageUrl , .u6f8f16a2c1efa3603f2134732d66c6df .focused content zone { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u6f8f16a2c1efa3603f2134732d66c6df , .u6f8f16a2c1efa3603f2134732d66c6df:hover , .u6f8f16a2c1efa3603f2134732d66c6df:visited , .u6f8f16a2c1efa3603f2134732d66c6df:active { border:0!important; } .u6f8f16a2c1efa3603f2134732d66c6df .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u6f8f16a2c1efa3603f2134732d66c6df { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; obscurity: 1; progress: murkiness 250ms; webkit-progress: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u6f8f16a2c1efa3603f2134732d66c6df:active , .u6f8f16a2c1efa3603f2134732d66c6df:hover { haziness: 1; progress: mistiness 250ms; webkit-progress: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u6f8f16a2c1efa3603f2134732d66c6df .focused content region { width: 100%; position: rela tive; } .u6f8f16a2c1efa3603f2134732d66c6df .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content embellishment: underline; } .u6f8f16a2c1efa3603f2134732d66c6df .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u6f8f16a2c1efa3603f2134732d66c6df .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; fringe span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: striking; line-stature: 26px; moz-fringe range: 3px; content adjust: focus; content adornment: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: supreme; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6f8f16a2c1efa3603f2134732d66c6df:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u6f8f16a2c1ef a3603f2134732d66c6df .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u6f8f16a2c1efa3603f2134732d66c6df-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u6f8f16a2c1efa3603f2134732d66c6df:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Hard Times by Dickens, Structu Essay It might take hundreds of years to re-grow a woods that was chopped somewhere near people or crushed by fire, and a significant number of the universes seriously compromised creatures and plants live in these backwoods. On the off chance that the present pace of woods misfortune proceeds, gigantic amounts of plant and creature species will vanish. What is man without the monsters? In the event that all the monsters were gone, man would pass on from extraordinary depression of soul, for whatever happens to the brutes, likewise happens to man. Everything is associated (Chief Sealth 1885). Local species are those .
Friday, August 21, 2020
Companion Animal Behavior and Training Module
For the situation study, a youthful grown-up male feline, fixed and matured somewhere in the range of four and five years of age, experiences outrageous alterations in conduct in light of the introduction of an infant kid to the proprietor couple. The residential short-hair lives in a solitary feline family and preceding the introduction of the principal infant and the babyââ¬â¢s along these lines figuring out how to slither, the feline utilized 24-hour outside access, toileting outside in a worthy fashion.Since the infant in the family figured out how to creep, the feline has begun unrinating in the upstairs zone of the house and crouching in different diverse locations.The feline likewise started prepping exorbitantly. In view of this contextual investigation data, a few judgments can be made about the causal elements identifying with the social issues showed by the feline. For evident reasons identifying with the general wellbeing of the family unit, the catââ¬â¢s conduct re presents a few risks. One guideline clarification for the conduct change, nonetheless, is the nearness of the primary kid and the catââ¬â¢s impression of the youngster, presently versatile and an apparent nearness from the catââ¬â¢s viewpoint, as a treat to the catââ¬â¢s saw an area in the house.The clarification for the social issues settles upon the way that felines now and again embrace pee showering or pee checking due to regional debates, during forceful clashes, and in any event, during sexual experiences. The shower delivered is sharp and intended to avoid potential predators or contenders. For the situation study, the feline obviously handle that the kid, slithering and in this way introducing what must be a noticeable danger to the feline, is a predator or a risk of some broad kind to the catââ¬â¢s mastery of the family unit, his territory.The target of denoting the region is to build up its limits and avert the kid. It is exemplary feline conduct to publicize t heir quality in a domain by showering outwardly prominent destinations. Since felines normally look to ââ¬Å"time shareâ⬠domains, marks empower the felines to space themselves out and forestall undesirable experiences. Felines can distinguish the pee checks so track can be kept of their neighbors (Hart, 1980a). Showering serves to bring the male and female together during the rearing season. It is frequently done at a stature advantageous for sniffing (Beaver, 1992).Cats that splash pee inside their homes are traditionally kept from doing as such by fixing. Since the feline for the situation study is now fixed, different estimates must be attempt to check the conduct. Regularly, splashing is attempted by reproductively flawless guys. Females splash also, however less once in a while. In one investigation directed by the ASPCA, 77 percent of felines halted or fundamentally decreased splashing inside a half year. 10% of male felines fixed before 10 months old enough will in any case shower as grown-ups. In families with various felines, at any rate one feline will probably splash, regardless of whether all the felines are fixed (ASPCA, 2007).Cats can get desirous upon the appearance of another infant and this is especially since the nearness of another youngster leaves the guardians, the catââ¬â¢s proprietors, depleted and disturbance of another infant, the feline is frequently ignored. This makes and worsens disdain about the nearness of the kid. Obviously, it ought not be precluded that clinical issues could be the reason for the catââ¬â¢s unordinary conduct. At any rate, this must be examined as a potential reason. Clinical issues, for example, loose bowels, urinary bladder aggravation, and the condition polydipsia or polyuria may advance surprising conduct from the cat.The indications of these issues incorporate delicate to watery looseness of the bowels, which may demonstrate an issue in the small digestive system, or bodily fluid obvious in th e stool, alongside blood, which recommends an aroused colon or colitis. Urinary bladder contaminations may incorporate FUS, bacterial disease, calculi or bladder stones, and tumors. Diabetes insipidus, diabetes mellitus, kidney ailment, liver malady, adrenal organ ailment, pyometra, and hypercalcemia are for the most part conceivable clinical foundations for showering and peeing in the house (ASPCA, 2007).If the child were absent in the house it is practical to take note of that females in heat, male splashing, different felines outside, stuffing inside, and the conceivable nearness of testicular tissue remaining and delivering low level hormones. Congestion, unchained litter, intruded on access to liter boxes, an adjustment in litter kind, and the nearness of questionable synthetic compounds might be causing the issue. Mental pressure factors, for example, moving to another condition or experiencing an adjustment in routine can leave felines of all ages confused and under impressiv e mental stress.Overall, felines are antisocial people and maintain a strategic distance from collaborations with different felines, aside from when with a mate, with youthful, or if a few felines have a place with the one family. The zone went during ordinary exercises is known the home range (Beaver, 1992; Bradshaw, 1992; Thorne, 1992). It is a lot bigger for guys than for females (Bradshaw, 1992) and the range may cover other animalsââ¬â¢ ranges (Thorne, 1992). Studies on free-going felines (Fox, 1975), indicated that felines have a home region and a home range that comprises of spots for resting, sunbathing and viewing. A system of ways associates places and individuals may visit them regularly.Cats have a request for predominance in an area, which relies upon time and spot. On the off chance that a low-positioning feline has just entered a limited path and a high-positioning feline enters, the less prevailing creature will sit and hold up until the way is clear. Felines put everything on the line to abstain from meeting another feline on a pathway, and chance up close and personal experiences lead to battling and pursuing and the improvement of a dominantââ¬subordinate relationship. Subordinate guys are pushed around in a predominant maleââ¬â¢s home range. They basically become migrants (Liberg, 1981, refered to in Thorne, 1992).If a gathering of felines is kept up in province pens, they should be furnished with racks so they can ââ¬Ëownââ¬â¢ one and retreat there from different felines (Hart, 1980). The felines work out a course of action where certain ones utilize the floor at various occasions to other people. Scouring may help strengthen social situations, with subordinate people for the most part scouring progressively predominant conspecifics (Macdonald, Apps, Carr and Kerby, 1987). The socialization time frame is the point at which all essential social bonds are shaped and is the most significant period during the catââ¬â¢s life (B eaver, 1992).Active social con propriety with more than one grown-up feline at some urgent improvement stage is fundamental for a grown-up feline to adjust later to social day to day environments (Bradshaw, 1992). Given this, the absence of socialization with another newborn child acquainted with a family is going to cause issues and, after legitimate affirmation that there are no clinical clarifications for the catââ¬â¢s bizarre conduct, the reasonable best reaction will include overwhelming holding endeavors to enable the feline to beat sentiments of uprooting, notwithstanding endeavors to assist the feline with perceiving the infant as a non-risk to its territory.SECTION B: To adjust the conduct of the feline for the situation study, a few stages should be embraced to guarantee that the reason for the issue is appropriately surveyed and to guarantee that the issue becomes settled as fast and as effectively as could be expected under the circumstances. The initial phase in the social alteration procedure will be to recognize the reasons that they feline is showering. Apparently, the new infant is the issue, be that as it may, it is vital as a careful step in any event to have the feline exposed to a physical assessment by a certified vet.Physical issues can prompt improper pee and splashing and ought to in any event be precluded before any mental issues are explored. To evaluate the mental condition of the felines it is very essential to start by demoralizing different felines from sticking around outside the home, if there are any signs that felines are doing this. In a perfect world, one of the different sorts of financially accessible movement enacted gadgets, for example, the Critter Gitterâ⠢, the Scarecrowâ⠢, or the Scraminalâ⠢, serve the capacity to startle open air felines away.The Scat Matâ⠢ and the Sofa Saverâ⠢ can be utilized to get outside felines far from entryways and windows if there is proof that different felines a re coming this near the house (ASPCA, 2007). Despite the fact that it isn't likely that this kind of regional issue is in play for the situation study, the catââ¬â¢s proprietors would to well to explore and preclude the chance. Various components could without much of a stretch be in play since the catââ¬â¢s conduct is changed so radically and since there is proof that it is just since the new child started creeping that the catââ¬â¢s pee and splashing have been a problem.If the feline is showering in a few areas, territories ought to be made less engaging. Financially accessible are such hindrance frameworks as Ssscatâ⠢ might be utilized and the catââ¬â¢s proprietors may likewise take a stab at setting up an alternate personal conduct standard in the showered areas by putting things that animate practices inconsistent with splashing, for example, the food dish or toys in the suitable areas. A litter box may likewise be set in every area to attempt to build up a sim ilar change in personal conduct standard. A definitive treatment objective is to spin the catââ¬â¢s feeling of weakness in their home environment.Any type of direct discipline is to be maintained a strategic distance from. Discipline essentially causes the feline to feel increasingly uncertain. In the event that the feline has singled out one new individual to be the objective of stamping, as for this situation, the infant, it is useful to have the youngster present and appearing to take part in the taking care of the feline as a methods for setting up trust for the feline. All in all cases, it can likewise be useful to have relatives utilize similar cleansers, shampoos in order to homogenize the gathering as far as scents. This prevents the feline from singling out one individual for attention.A conduct modif
Tuesday, June 9, 2020
Popular, but NOT Working Tips from Professional Resume Writing Services
Popular, but NOT Working Tips from Professional Resume Writing Services When you want to get a new job, you know about your personal intentions and the exact reasons you want to work for a particular company. In an attempt to write a perfect resume, you many go ahead to check out tips provided online by professional resume writing services. While some of these tips may be awesome, some are quite harmful. Below is a list of some bad tips published by different resume writing services. Tip 1: Donââ¬â¢t Write an Objective Statement Employers do read your resume objective, and over and over again, they go through vague important issues like career objective. When you are attempting to build a career, or even if itââ¬â¢s a horizontal career change, you have to give employers something that focuses on their needs as well as on your own. Such as: A challenging marketing position that permits me to contribute my abilities and skills in fundraising for nonprofits. However, an objective statement may simply be a waste of valuable space, particularly if youââ¬â¢re applying to a PR firm as a PR rep. Tip 2: Highlighting Duties Its quite easy to slip into a mode where you basically list job duties in your resume. For instance: Attended group and recorded minutes; worked with kids in a daycare setting. Employers, however, care less about what youve done as much as what you achieved in your various activities. Theyre looking for statements like: Utilized laptop to record minutes of weekly meetings and assembled them in a Microsoft Word-based document for future reference. Developed three daily exercises for preschool-age kids and set them up for a 10-minute holiday program performance. Tip 3: Make It Simple Short Regardless of what you may read or hear, there are no genuine principles governing resume length because it will be read by individuals who have different preferences and expectations where resumes are concerned. That doesnt mean you should start sending out five-page resumes. You usually need to constrain yourself to a maximum of two pages. You may, however, use one page if it seems working. Alternately, in a bid to make your resume fit to an arbitrary one-page standard, dont cut the meat out of it. Tip 4: Highlight Your Most Relevant Experiences Itââ¬â¢s absolutely wrong to state that ââ¬Å"making your resume demonstrate you have only the specific skills, and achievements important to carry out the job, makes it simple for the hiring manager to see why youââ¬â¢re the right fit.â⬠You might be surprised, but companies donââ¬â¢t hire resumes, they hire people. You donââ¬â¢t know whether HR manager wants to see you volunteering for an organization or being the studentsââ¬â¢ union president of your college. And while the hiring manager sees this in your fellow applicant, that fellow applicant gets the job ahead of you. Of course, it doesnââ¬â¢t mean you should list everything you have ever done in your life, but there is no point in deciding whether something you are proud of is relevant to the position you want to get. Tip 5: Do not Attempt a Oneââ¬âsizeââ¬âfitsââ¬âall Approach It might be a rule of resume writing that you should send a different version for each job you apply to, tailored and targeted according to the position (a fallacious rule, though). Create a one-size-fits-all resume to send to all employers, rather than waste time separating your skillset. At the same time, spending extra minutes on developing a separate cover letter for different organizations is a really cool idea. In this cover letter, you can emphasize some of your skills making you the best choice for this position. Tip 6: Donââ¬â¢t Steal the Exact Wording of the Job Description Who says this If a company says itââ¬â¢s looking for applicants who ââ¬Å"have a diverse knowledge of programming languagesâ⬠and ââ¬Å"learn rapidly,â⬠it may be wise to find a way of paraphrasing it, however, it is wiser to sneak it in subtly. Donââ¬â¢t be shocked that some companies will use that as a keyword in screening applicants, especially if they are numerous. The myth behind resume writing is that nobody can express your own qualifications and enthusiasm for a job better than you.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
The Slaveownerôs Point of View in the Narrative of the...
In the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, Frederick Douglass depicts his life as a plantation slave, offering misinformed northern Christians and reformers in-depth accounts of the physical and emotional cruelties of slavery. As Douglass recounts his relationship and interactions with the harsh Mr. Covey, he disputes the basis on which southern slaveowners defended slavery. Douglass dispels their claims of encompassing a Christian duty to civilize blacks who they deemed naturally inferior by proving how they actively worked to keep slaves from assimilating and contributing to society. Southern slaveowners claimed that they were upholding their Christian duty by engaging in slavery, rescuing slaves from a life of struggle andâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Covey underscores how slaveownersââ¬â¢ defense of slavery with religion was something said and not done. In fact, Douglass even asserts that slaves have a solid faith and the ââ¬Å"helpâ⬠of their white masters is not needed and even detrimental. As opposed to Mr. Coveyââ¬â¢s false Christianity, Douglass attributes slaves to having true Christianity, evidencing this by his own great ability to sing versus his masterââ¬â¢s poor singing. Mr. Covey was ââ¬Å"a very poor singer himself, the duty of raising the hymn generally came upon [Douglass]â⬠(82). Douglassââ¬â¢ ability to sing the hymnals represent his strong grasp on Christianity, whereas Mr. Coveyââ¬â¢s poor singing portrays his hypocrisy and distance from the faith. Contrary to the plantation myth, Mr. Covey, the slaveowner is dependent on Douglass, his slave. This role reversal emphasizes the how the Southââ¬â¢s claim to be carrying out a Christian duty was flawed. Southern slaveowners argue that they are helping slaves conform to society, but Douglass dispels this paternalistic myth by emphasizing how he was sent to to Mr. Covey to be made into a brute. Due to the restrictions Mr. Covey puts on Douglass, ââ¬Å"beh old a man [is] transformed into a brute!â⬠(83). Douglass moves through his transformation very quickly, as if writing a recipe; it is a very straightforward way of telling an emotional process. Douglass tells his readers to ââ¬Å"beholdâ⬠as ifShow MoreRelatedBlack Slaves And The Slave Owners2438 Words à |à 10 Pageswhich White theorists portrayed as completely passive element, in fact, played an active role in the life of the region. The family was perhaps the most important social institution created by slaves. And this despite the fact that the official legislation marriages between slaves to invalidate. But do black wife treated them very seriously, creating a strong monogamous family. As a rule, the slaveowners encouraged such unions, because, on the one hand, they contribute to peace and order in the farmsRead MoreBibliographic Essay on African American History6221 Words à |à 25 PagesAmerican Experience: An Historiographical and Bibliographical Guide (Westport: Greenwood Press, 2001); and Randall M. Miller and John David Smith, eds., Dictionary of Afro- American Slavery (Westport: Greenwood Press, 1988), provide informative narratives along with expansive bibliographies. General texts covering major historical events with attention to chronology include John Hope Franklin and Alfred A. Moss, Jr., From Slavery to Freedom: A History of African Americans (Boston: McGraw
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Substance Abuse Costs Tax Payers Essay - 2548 Words
President Richard Nixon coined the phrase the ââ¬Å"war on drugsâ⬠in the 1970s after he and Congress introduced a campaign to reduce the rapidly increasing consumption, production, and distribution of psychoactive drugs, which were already deemed illegal. In the years since, many policies and laws have been created in the United States from mandatory minimum sentences to drug courts. The organization, Learn Liberty, recently put out a YouTube video pointing out that every 2016 presidential nominee has spoken about the current drug epidemic. As pointed out in the video, not all candidates agree on the method of solving the issue, yet they all agree itââ¬â¢s a massive issue. Substance abuse costs tax payersââ¬â¢ enormous amounts of money because rather than treating the problem, substance abusers are arrested and put into prisons where they are not taught strategies to help with their addiction and the realities of their disease. The ââ¬Å"war on Drugsâ⬠has officially been lost and itââ¬â¢s time to look at decriminalizing drugs and treating it as an illness. While some argue the complete decriminalization of drugs with no legal consequences, others support decriminalization with legal consequences such as drug courts and citations that would be similar to a traffic ticket. Due to the massive social ramifications of substance abuse I would side with the latter position of drug courts and citations. Drug courts can demand treatment and keep addicts accountable for their actions. This puts theShow MoreRelatedDrug Testing Welfare Recipients Essay1114 Words à |à 5 Pagesbeing abused by a parent. In another study from the Substance Abuse Policy Research Program (SAPRP), drug use and dependency is more commonly found among women who receive welfare assistance then women who do not. Taking these two studies in to consideration, the nationââ¬â¢s largest problem when concerning the welfare system is the children. Children often have a difficult time at school or with peers, but to add on the additional stress of a substance abusing parent (see appendix B), makes lasting effectsRead MoreDrug Testing Welfare Recipients1395 Words à |à 6 Pagesdrugs had prior illegal drug abuse problems and some of these people believe that since they are given this ââ¬Å"freeâ⬠money, they can continue on with these addictions instead of finding the help they need to get back onto their own two feet. Many employers ask all of their job applicants for a drug test to even be considered for the job, so why shouldnââ¬â¢t the government ask the same for people looking for assistance? There are many kinds of substances that people abuse. Alcohol many people use as aRead MoreDrug Testing Should Not Be Drug Tested1229 Words à |à 5 Pagesis spent is very concerning to some people. I believe that anyone applying for and or receiving government aid should have to be drug tested. The use of drug testing to determine aid eligibility would help with the diagnoses and prevention of drug abuse, ensure government aid is reaching those with the greatest need and help strengthen the taxpayerââ¬â¢s confidence in the systems effectiveness. One of the more controversial topics recently being debated by the government is whether or not, anyone applyingRead MoreThe War on Drugs Essay1124 Words à |à 5 Pagesmedical treatment to prisoners. The stateââ¬â¢s financial burden in becoming great and the government is starting to look at treatment measures that could save money. Substance abuse is an overwhelming factor in crime, for example 50% of homicides involve drugs and alcohol. (Parks, G., Marlatt, A. 1999) Treating offenders for substance problems could make the difference in recidivism rates. There are several models of programs the state should consider when deciding treatment options for offendersRead MoreWelfare Drug Testing1506 Words à |à 7 Pagesââ¬Å"According to a new study released by the World Health Organization, the U.S leads the world and takes the gold for the use of tobacco, pot, and cocaine, far outpacing other countriesâ⬠(US Ranks #1). According to an article on America abuses drugs worse than any other country. It is no secret that the United Statesââ¬â¢ economy is nearing an all time low. With the economy being nearly as bad as ever in the history of our country it is very concerning that our drug use is at an all time highRead MoreDrug Abuse And The United States1645 Words à |à 7 Pagesââ¬Å"Americaââ¬â¢s public enemy number one in the United States is drug abuse. In order to fight and defea t this enemy, it is necessary to wage a new, all out offensiveâ⬠(Sharp, 1994). Since this war was declared 45 years ago the prison population has risen dramatically and has cost tax payers a substantial amount of money, with no end in sight. Nearly sixty five percent of the 2.3 million U.S. prisoners meet the criteria for substance abuse or addiction, yet only eleven percent receives treatment duringRead MoreShould Legalization Of Recreational Drugs Be A Great Nation?977 Words à |à 4 Pagesa big brother, across the world by fighting its external wars. However, what needs to be fixed first, is the long lasting internal war within. External wars need lots of money, manpower, weapons, etc., just to achieve a lifelong of enmity at the cost of civilization. Innocent people are always the major sufferers in any war. Now is the time, that we start fighting our internal war, then raging externally. Increase in jobs, hike in minimum wages, distribution of wealth, halting the di sappearanceRead MoreThe And Its Effects On The United States955 Words à |à 4 Pagesfacts are stated concerning the financial benefits of choosing substance abuse treatment versus Prison and jail sentences. For instance the methadone program costs approximately $4700 a year, where as 1 year of incarceration runs the tax payers $18,700. Its also stated that for every $1 spent on treatment some where between $4-$7 is saved on court costs and drug related crime. California passed a measure that provides substance abuse treatment instead of incarceration for offenders that committedRead MoreDrug Testing and Public Assistance1299 Words à |à 5 Pagesthe National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIH), the use and abuse of alcohol, and other illicit drugs cost the nation about $600 billion annually. These costs are associated with various crimes, lost work, and healthcare. Subsequently, the US Department of Human and Health Services states that in 2012, approximately 23.1 million persons were treated for illicit drugs and other substances. Statistics have shown that 23.9 million Americans have had or used illicit substances in 2012. This is about an 8.3Read MoreThe Four Pillars Of Public Administration767 Words à |à 4 Pagespractice of public service implementation. The first of the four pillars is Economy; economy is getting the most done for the tax payersââ¬â¢ dollar. This means officials must manage resources to give the resources needed, but at the lowest cost possible. For example, adequately funding organizational priorities on limited budgets, maintaining credit ratings or limiting tax levy increases, these are all examples of actions done in the pillar of economy. Along with the economy pillar, we have our closely
Life and Crimes of Harry Lavender Essay Example For Students
Life and Crimes of Harry Lavender Essay Claudia Valentines Private Eye business is in a slack period when she receives a call from an old school friend Marilyn Edwards. Claudia learns that Marilyns brother, Mark Bannister, was found dead at his computer console supposedly of a cardiac arrest. Marilyn doesnt believe the official Police line of death by natural causes and when Claudia starts to dig, neither does she. The death is complicated; Mark had a pacemaker, and heroin was found in his bloodstream. He was also writing a book; commissioned by an unknown client to write the best-seller of the century. The manuscript and his disks are missing, and the hardrive on the computer has been wiped. Marks girlfriend Sally Villos is the daughter of his heart surgeon and a spoiled brat. She blames the drugs for Marks death and tries to hide evidence of drug paraphernalia when she finds the body. Claudia chips away at her story to find out what really happened but things get complicated with the involvement of Sydney crime pin Harry Lavender. Claudia finds her own life in danger as she is not the only one looking for the manuscript. The other searcher is not so nice and another couple of bodies turn up later in the book. Claudia finally ties all the suspects and clues together in a tight ending. Marele Day has written a gritty hardboiled Australian novel somewhat in the style of Sara Paretsky. Claudia is a female version of the old-style PI with ash trays full of butts, empty bottles of Jack Daniels, a blonde in the bed, and another couple to ogle throughout the story. What sets Claudia apart is that she does not carry a gun but relies on high-powered karate kicks and running fast. Day choose her setting of Bondi Beach in Sydney well as it almost becomes a character in itself. The seedy underbelly of the area almost oozes through the pages. The pace is fast and exciting, and the dialogue witty with a twist of sarcasm. The Life and Crimes of Harry Lavender is the first in a series of books featuring hardened PI Claudia Valentine and I intend to look up the rest of them. claudias voice/personality is: â⬠¢libirated: unknown Blond in the bed â⬠¢tough talking: no one gets in my room . let alone my bed â⬠¢cynical: well helled, well coiffed â⬠¢strong: physically-karate and mentally competent: a women in typically a mans job and does it well. â⬠¢intelligent: solves mystery â⬠¢street smart: knows the city â⬠¢observant: relizes BMW is following her â⬠¢confident: mingles at pub ( wake) â⬠¢witty: one step closer to heavan was the crematorium â⬠¢sarcastic: better (sally in suna pg 152) harry lavenders voice is: â⬠¢powerful: leader of organised crime, imagines is own funneral â⬠¢arrogant: proud of criminal activities helped in many ways social contribution. â⬠¢smug: boasting of friends; politicians, police links and media. â⬠¢egotisitical: repition of I â⬠¢sinister â⬠¢ominous
Monday, April 20, 2020
The Beauty of the Monarch Butterfly free essay sample
This paper is a detailed essay about the Monarch Butterfly and the problems of preventing its extinction. This paper describes the Monarch Butterfly in great detail, such as why does it have the bright colors and what do they mean? It states that the life of a Monarch Butterfly is quite complicated. The Monarch Butterfly is watched closely to prevent it from being extinct. Table of Contents Butterflies are Invertebrates The Monarch Danaus Plexippus The Life Cycle of a Monarch Lincoln Brower and the Monarch Butterfly Brad Darrach and the Monarch Butterfly The Monarch Butterfly Will It Be an Endangered Species? The El Rosario Monarch Reserve More Monarch Butterflies Killed and Solutions The butterfly comes from the Lepidoptera, which is a Greek word meaning that the wings are covered in scales. Butterflies have compound eyes on either side of the head. The eyes are and made up of thousands of lensed-eyes called ommatidia. We will write a custom essay sample on The Beauty of the Monarch Butterfly or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They are not able to see fine detail, but are able to detach if they have a predator.
Sunday, March 15, 2020
Catalase lab report Essays
Catalase lab report Essays Catalase lab report Paper Catalase lab report Paper However, once this optimal temperature has been passed, the enzyme becomes less effective. A good comparison for the impact of temperature would be running. There is an optimal temperature at which every runner runs. If it is too hot or too cold, the runner may not run as fast as they could if it were, for example, 10 co. However, the reason temperature impacts enzymes in that matter is due to kinetic energy. As the temperature increases, the kinetic energy also increases. At the optimal temperature, the molecules are moving as fast as they can without breaking bonds. If the speed is surpassed, bonds begin to break and he enzyme becomes less effective. The purpose of this lab is to test the effects of different variables mixed with the reaction of hydrogen peroxide and yeast, yeast being the catalane. The variables that will be changed are temperature, pH, and concentration. Our class began a lab based around enzymes and how they react when different variables are changed, such as temperature, pH, and concentration of the yeast or hydrogen peroxide. The yeast acted as the enzyme, which produces catalane needed for our desired reaction with the hydrogen peroxide. What had to be wanted to measure was how well it reacted when the rabbles were changed. First off, the class needed to find a way to measure this. After you told us that the reaction would give off oxygen gas, it was realized that the oxygen being created in the reaction could displace water to measure how much oxygen gas is being given off. Next came setting up the lab. Each group received and set up with a small glass bottle (including a rubber cork with a long rubber tube), a tall graduate glass cylinder, an arm to hold said graduated cylinder, a few smaller graduated glass cylinders, a thermometer, and a rubber tub. Before the groups were remitted to delve into the experiment, a control for the rate of the chemical reaction needed to be established. Each group then filled their rubber tub almost to the top with water which was allowed to sit until the water was about room temperature (about 22 co). Once the water was about room temperature, everyone filled the large graduated glass cylinder completely with water and slid it upside-down into the arm to hold the lip just below the surface of the water. Sam then filled one small graduated cylinder with 5 ml of yeast and Bridget filled the other with 5 ml of hydrogen peroxide. The yeast was poured into the small glass bottle, and the hydrogen peroxide was added second. The cap with the rubber tube was placed on quickly, and it was placed underwater just as quickly. The rubber tube coming from the cork was then slid up into the tall graduated glass cylinder, and Bridget began timing. Every twenty seconds across 5 minutes, Sam would write down how much oxygen gas had displaced the water (see Control graph and for the results). Now that a control had been established, the next step was to test the effects of different pH in the solution. Our first pH that was tested was pH 4. Sam added 2 ml of this to the yeast, and began timing. After she finished recording the data, our group moved onto pH 8. Subsequent to pH 8 was pH 10 (see pH graph and for results). Another variable that was tested was the temperature of the water the reaction occurred in. The first temperature that was tested by the groups was 5 co. The bucket was filled with the water, 5 ml of yeast and of hydrogen peroxide were poured into the small glass bottle. After 5 minutes, the water was poured out and the experiment was performed with 37 co water. Finally, it was tried with boiling water. The results for boiling water will not be close to the normal, however, as one group was not able to get to this point, cutting the average in half (see Temperature graph and for results). The third variable that was tested was the concentration. In the control, there were 5 ml of yeast and 5 ml of hydrogen peroxide used for the reaction. However, in this test, the amount of yeast was lowered from 5 ml to 4, to 3, and then to 2 (see Concentration graph and for results). In the control, there is only 1 line as it was the average of all groups basic reaction. It is a rough arc, as over time, the reaction began to slow down. The reason for it being bumpy is merely that neither the groups nor the experiment is perfect. If that was the case, it would be a perfect arc. In the pH graph, the lines are more rigid than that of the control, suggesting that the amount of oxygen in the vile increased at a more steady rate than in the control. As you can see, the different levels of pH affected the strength of the reaction quite significantly, the strongest reaction being about ten ml of oxygen short of the amount of oxygen in the control, with the other two pH levels bringing down the reaction strength even further. My hypothesis was initially the more basic, the stronger, as a pH often was the strongest of the reactions. However, after looking at it a second time, I realized that pH four was stronger than pH eight. My new hypothesis was that the further from neutral, the more powerful the reaction. But, upon looking a third, time, a new flaw appeared in my hypothesis. There is a difference of three between seven and four as well as ten and four. So, my third and final hypothesis was that the pH further from neutral would be more significant, as well as bases being more powerful than acids. Unfortunately, as unable to test this theory of mine as I didnt have any other bases or acids with a known level handy at the moment. For temperature, the lines appear to have a much smoother curve, especially 37 co, as well as steeper. This implies that the reaction rate slowed at a much more incremental rate, instead of a steady or slower speed. Another thing this would imply is that the enzyme is more effective at the beginning, but less affective towards the end. It was obvious that boiling water was well past the optimal reaction temperature, and 5 co quite obviously fell short as well. Co was the closest to optimal, but one could infer that this was also past optimal temperature, as room temperature (about 22 co) had a much stronger reaction. Since 5 co is 17 co less than 22 co, and 37 co is only 15 co away, my guess would be that room temperature is also past the optimal temperature. What the optimal temperature is remains unclear to me at the moment, but if I had to guess I w ould say about 16 co would be optimal for this reaction. Again, I have insufficient supplies to test my theory, so am not sure. Lastly is the concentration. The curves appear to be more gradual Han temperature and control, but less steady than PH. The reaction rates for concentration are also some of the closer reaction rates to that of the control. Since there is a decrease in the strength with each lower dosage of yeast, one can assume that the concentration of yeast and hydrogen peroxide should be similar, or perhaps even a higher concentration of yeast than there is hydrogen peroxide. From this graph, information is much harder to infer, but my assumption is that there should be either a 6:5 or 7:5 ratio of yeast and hydrogen peroxide, respectively. But, once again, I am uncertain, as there is a lack of supplies in my home to perform science experiments. Of course, if you were to mix variables, the results from changing only one variable would be essentially useless other than the results for one to compare to, as the impact of changing two variables instead of one is similar to multiplying two numbers or three numbers. Some results may be similar, some may be drastically different. You would need to retest using each variable again as their effects on one another are unpredicted (unless you study this sort of thing for a living, which i do not).
Friday, February 28, 2020
Ancient and Indigenous Mathematics Research Paper
Ancient and Indigenous Mathematics - Research Paper Example However, a massive and countervailing pressure was the culmination of European supremacy in the shape of political control in large areas of Asia and Africa. Out of this supremacy, the ideology of European pre-eminence emerged and permeated a wide range of economic and social activities and also enhanced the unique role of Europe in providing the spirit for science discovery (Peat, 2006). This paper is going to discuss how mathematics has developed through ancient times and some of the factors that have led to the development of modern mathematics and also address the role of mathematics in other disciplines. Many social needs require numbers and calculations. Therefore, mathematics automatically came into play with the evolution of social systems. A well organized operational system is required to handle numbers and calculations. Nonetheless, as fascinating as the basic theories of counting may be, the origins of mathematics include more than just counting, enumeration and arithmetic. The human needs that instigated mankindââ¬â¢s initial efforts at mathematics were: calculations, counting and measurement (Kline, 2012). For example, an inheritance could not be distributed certain basics of division are known or a temple cannot be built if certain facts about squares and volumes are known. Mathematics was born from practical needs such as the ones above. Others argue that the central part of indigenous mathematics is based upon two simple questions: How much and how many? It is a convincing argument that long before our early ancestors had need to count their cattle or sheep, their unsophisticatedly organized social systems had simple rituals based on priority and rank. Also, according to Breasted (1988), it is evident that some socialized animals of diverse groups such as the red deer and baboon have some elementary sense of order of precedence, referred to
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Artificial Intelligence Research Paper and Proposal
Artificial Intelligence and Proposal - Research Paper Example [Liebowitz, J. 2001. p.1-6] A research by Kaminka and Pynadath (2002. p.83-91) presented techniques of on-line monitoring of teams using a method of "overhearing" whereby their communication exchanges during business transactions are captured in computer systems and the learning of the agents are captured under three categories - No Learning, On-Line Learning and Using Previously Learned Predictions. They called the system as "Overseer" that can be effectively used to compare the performance gaps between novice agents and expert agents. The system could be used for performance evaluations of individuals as well as groups carrying out business transactions in any domain of the world. The researchers deployed two different hierarchies in the system - A team hierarchy and a plan hierarchy. The team hierarchy comprises of people fitting into the roles required to deliver tasks defined in the plan hierarchy. Hence, every individual in a role is expected to "execute a plan". They modeled the ground operations of an international airport whereby the human agents were allowed to query about the status of a plan and the future course of the plan in progress thus dealing with obstacles coming on the way of a plan. They querying was normally carried out by people in higher hierarchies and the plan reporting carried out by people in lower hierarchies. The learning about steps taken for plan executions were recorded in a plan library. They developed a probabilistic model of quantitative evaluation of the plan by plotting a time series of the plan state variables whereby all plans are represented by a set of Boolean random variables in such a way that the variable is true only if an agent is able to execute it at time "t". Thereafter the performance "belief" about an agent was plotted as a probability distribution with Markov property over all the variables within the set and was termed as Dynamic Belief Network (DBN). The start of a plan is overheard through initiation messages by the reporter and te rmination of plan overheard through
Friday, January 31, 2020
Women's study lesson9 discussion board comment Article
Women's study lesson9 discussion board comment - Article Example Women not only get scared by it (they change their patterns and routines so as to avoid the harasser), but they also get traumatized by the harassment (AAUW 3). As per statistics published by the New York State Coalition Against Sexual Assault (, at least 1 in every 4 women will be sexually assaulted during her time at college. I find this number to be too high. What is more, I think that this is another way in which women may end up getting discouraged from moving ahead with their education. As, according to the AAUW report, women who are harassed find their college experience disappointing (3), it is perhaps only logical to assume that they will associate negatively with their educational experience as well. Do you not agree that such misogynistic views about womenââ¬â¢s capabilities in science and technology are a reflection on just how little society has changed when it comes to viewing women? Also, do you think that when women have to face sexual harassment on top of such attitudes, it makes it harder still to make headway in education for them? Will it have a negative impact in their outlook on life? And would it discourage them from pursuing further
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Use of language and Word Choice in My Last Duchess Essay -- Robert Bro
ââ¬ËMy Last Duchessââ¬â¢ by Robert Browning is a dramatic monologue in which the Duke of Ferrara is discussing the matter of a dowry with an emissary sent by a Count. The use of dramatic monologue allows the poet to subtly reveal the personality of the persona to the reader. The language used by the speaker allows the poet to evoke strong emotions in the reader. The reader is given an early insight into the personality of the Duke in the very first line of the monologue: ââ¬ËThatââ¬â¢s my last Duchess painted on the wallââ¬â¢ This early impression portrays the Duke as a very sophisticated man with a wealth of knowledge in art. This impression is continued when he mentions the very artist who painted the Duchess, ââ¬ËFra Pandolfââ¬â¢. However, even at this early stage there are some hints that the Duke may not be all that he claims to be- the use of the word ââ¬ËMyââ¬â¢ is very possessive, perhaps suggesting that the duke sees the Duchess as no more than an object. Furthermore the use of the word ââ¬ËLastââ¬â¢ implies that there have been many Duchesses and that the eponymous individual is just the most recent, suggesting that the Duke may be dishonest. This aspect of the personaââ¬â¢s character is confirmed later in the monologue, when the Duke says: ââ¬ËShe liked whateââ¬â¢er she looked on And her looks went everywhereââ¬â¢ Here the Duke is challenging the morality of the Duchess, clearly suggesting that she has been unfaithful to him, showing his jealousy. This jealousy is aimed principally at Fra Pandolf, who he thinks is trying to seduce his fiancà ©e. This seems quite absurd to the reader as Fra Pandolf is a religious man and so this suggests that the Duke is a deeply insecure and extremely jealous persona. Of course this insecurity even... ... Then all smiles stopped togetherââ¬â¢ The use of the word ââ¬Ëcommandsââ¬â¢ here yet again shows the possessive nature of the Duke and the alliteration in the phrase ââ¬Ësmiles stoppedââ¬â¢ emphasises it, which makes the awfulness of the Dukeââ¬â¢s actions clear to the reader. Even the use of the personal pronoun ââ¬ËIââ¬â¢, something which is used repeatedly towards the end of the poem, emphasises the superficiality of the Duke and this leaves the reader feeling nothing less than hatred for him. In his dramatic monologue ââ¬ËMy Last Duchessââ¬â¢, Robert Browning successfully uses language, particularly word choice to gradually reveal the character of the Duke of Ferrara. The reader starts off being slightly unsure about the Duke but this quickly turns to hatred as he describes the murder of the Duchess. This revelation of character make the poem exciting and very enjoyable to read.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Prison Term Policy Recommendation Essay
As a realistic matter, it is smart to sustain a bill that addresses a real concern, creates proper use of resources and effectively addresses the problem for which it was intended. It is known that victims of armed robberies want to see the offenders punished. It is noticeable that the publicââ¬â¢s desire is to be safe and protected from being a victim of armed robbery. While on the other hand, the legislature must show caution in legislating across the board sentencing and defend discretion for the judicial system to consider the specific aspects that creates each case. ââ¬Å"Yet advocates of deserved punishment argue that it is not automatically evident how intermediate sanctions compare with either prison or probation in terms of severity, nor is it clears how they compare with one anotherâ⬠(Clear, et. al., 2008). For example placing one offender on intensive probation while ordering another to pay a heavy fine may violate the equal punishment rationale of just deserts. Any recommendation should examine the proposed bill and the Criminal Justice System. Fairness is subjective; in spite of this every society will form a series of regulations through which to defend the individuals and society from damage. If an individual violates one of the regulations dictated by culture, there is usually a consensus of what constitutes a suitable punishment. In the United States, we depend on the Federal Sentencing Guidelines in addition to every stateââ¬â¢s adoption of the Model Penal Code. Section 1.02(1) of the Model Penal Code instructions the allocation of punishment as ââ¬Å"to safeguard conduct that is without liability from condemnation as criminalâ⬠(culpability), ââ¬Å"to provide fair caution of the nature of the conduct confirmed to represent an offenseâ⬠(legality) and ââ¬Å"to differentiate on logical basis between serious and minorà offensesâ⬠(proportionality) (ââ¬Å"Model Penal Codeâ⬠, n.d.). Here we are referring to ar med robbery. Considered a felony, armed robbery tends to take a large penalty in the majority states. Among the fundamentals measured in determining if a crime has been committed, one must address the diverse levels of culpability and/ or extenuating factors. Armed robbery can be a violent well designed crime otherwise a clumsy half-witted attempt. Eventually a result of guilt must be made, by a predominance of the proof, with competent lawful protection representation offered to the accused. Only after all these necessities are met can a judge proceed with sentencing. These judges must have discretion in considering the above three aspects and weight them accordingly in order to distribute a sentence that is fair and balanced. While the community may desire a representative to be challenging on crime, the community tends to be sympathetic to media stories of criminals who act out of distraction or need. There has been strong resistance to suggestions that delay individual considerations. Beyond the instant punitive effect, punishment can serve the need of removing dangerous people from the society, serve as deterrence to those inclined to commit a crime and potentially reform criminals into law abiding citizens. These societies have also recognized that in order for any corrective act to have its preferred effect it has to fit the crime. Take for instance the cutting off of a hand for someone caught stealing. Most western societies would regard this punishment as too severe and those societies that adopted this practice have come under scrutiny for these practices. Armed robbery has no doubt been addressed within these judicial systems. Sentencing guidelines should always represent fairness in reliability and proportionality. Also consideration needs to be taken into account as to why new policy efforts are being made for this particular crime. Is there a belief that the accessible laws have displayed omissions or errors that must be addressed? Has there been a failure of the justice system in punishment of armed robberies? Are convicted armed robbers being released from prison too early? Do they cultivate to be repeat offenders? Do these crimes tend to rise into murder or other violent felonies? Are there precise instances where the existing laws have failed to serve justice? To decide the practicability of the bill, the discussion of correctional assets would be applicable. The result of this bill regardingà maximum sentencing (as opposed to mandatory minimum sentencing) doubles the correction time for the person who is convicted in the armed robbery. In each specific case, to evaluate suitable sentence and to weigh the severity of the crime, the billââ¬â¢s full force is to provide more choices to judges and the sentencing board. This bill may not help enforcing the provisions but may supply more choices for the severe cases which deserve more severe punishment. References Clear, T.; Reisig, M.; Cole, G. (2008), American Corrections. Retrieved from Google Books. Model Penal Code. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Human resource planning - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 18 Words: 5255 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Statistics Essay Did you like this example? Executive Summary I am pleased to present this report as part of my academic module of Human Resource Planning. The word Ãâââ¬ËChangeÃâââ¬â¢ is now a constant term that takes place in every in every part of organisation. Time has brought a huge change with broader invention, new techniques of implication and human feelings and willingness. The Human Resource Management (HRM) has been well diversified and enriched with information resources, development of technology and globally acceptable policies. So we need to find approaches to managerial involvement in developing efficient HR Planning and Management. In this report I tried to critically evaluate Managerial role in HR strategy development and practices including barriers preventing Line Managers(LMs) from getting involved in HR Planning and Management (HRPM), Measures to overcome the barriers, Risk of involving LMs in HRPM to extensive extent and easiness resulted by the development and uses of Technology in involving LMs in HR practices. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Human resource planning" essay for you Create order I specially want to thank RDI for designing such a pragmatic course with great contents including models outline and techniques in such a way that inspired and helped me a lot to prepare this report. Introduction: Planning Human Resource is a critical aspect within overall organizational framework. Time has brought a great extent of change in policies, theories, techniques, HR equipment and in planning and practices if Human Resources to achieve enterprise goals through establishing wide range of successful management and designing efficient HR strategy. Critical evaluation of the role of senior managers in developing an organizationÃâââ¬â¢s overall Human Resource Strategy: Senior managers play a pivotal role in developing an organizationÃâââ¬â¢s overall Human Resource (HR) strategy. Before starting the development of Human Resource (HR) Strategy, the managers need to realize Human Resource Management (HRM) activities and their integration to each other and the HR cycle as because of the strategy is designed to perform those activities efficiently to achieve a set of predetermined objectives. HRM activities and HR cycle are shown in the following diagram with their relationship to each other. HRM Activities Figure: Human Resource Management Activities Human Resource Cycle In developing overall Human Resource strategy in an organization there are three steps: Human resource planning in an organisation: To establish effective human resource strategy in an organization the senior managers need to plan Human Resource, which must be consistently aligned with the organizational framework. Investigation and analysis The managers need to investigate and analyze current situation and of internal and external trends of the organization as the first step of planning HR. The managers should mainly focus on the following key issues: Identify which works need to be done Selecting the approach of performing those works effectively and efficiently to achieve the organizationÃâââ¬â¢s objectives Identify the skills and experience the organization will need Identify the internal and external factors affect the supply and quality of labor, the demand for labor, and the likely people gap Forecasting Senior managers need to forecast beforehand to develop HR strategy where they will: Predict the likely demand for labor Predict the likely level of labor supply Considering both those levels in relation to the numbers of staff and also to the skills and experience that are needed. Based on those predictions, organizations can assess whether the required numbers of people, with the relevant competencies, are likely to be available. If not, then the organization must carefully identify where the skill gaps are likely to occur and decide what it is going to do about those. Planning and Resourcing The Human Resource Strategy Cycle in an organization: Senior managers need to start-up with human resource cycle as depicted by the Michigan Schools matching model of four generic process can be graphically presented by Harvard framework as shown below: Figure: The Harvard Framework The senior managers needs to plan the four generic process of Human Resource cycle in organization where. The components of this process are: Selection: matching people to jobs Appraisal of performance Rewards: emphasizing the real importance of pay and other forms of immediate and long-term compensation in achieving results Development of skilled individuals According to the Harvard Framework the senior managers must develop two aspects of strategic vision. Employees must be involved in and developed by the organization; and HRM policies must be developed to achieve those goals. The approach of senior managers emphasizes the importance of two elements as: Line managers in ensuring that competitive strategy and HR policies are aligned HR managers in setting policies that fit well with the organizationÃâââ¬â¢s overall aims. The key components of Harvard Framework are shown below: Figure: The Harvard Framework In the first instance, senior managers will carefully identify the fundamental issues, which are important to develop an organizationÃâââ¬â¢s Human Resource Strategy. These may involve: Workforce plan Skills plan Equity plan Economic plan Motivation and fairness planning Pay levels design, retaining and motivating employees Planning employment issues, which impact, on staff recruitment, retention, motivation etc. Designing a framework of performance management issues Planning career strategy An efficiently designed HR strategy will make it substantially easier for the organization to achieve its goals. Thus the senior managers must have to be cautious about the impact of HR strategy on greater environment of overall organization. A strategic human resource planning model There is no single approach to developing a Human Resources Strategy. The specific approach will vary from one organization to another. Even so, an excellent approach towards an HR Strategic Management System is evident in the model presented below. This approach identifies six specific steps for senior managers in developing HR Strategy: Planning Steps: 1. Setting the strategic direction 2. Designing the Human Resource Management System 3. Planning the total workforce Execution Steps: 4. Generating the required human resources 5. Investing in human resource development and performance 6. Assessing and sustaining organizational competence and performance Figure: Strategic HR model Analysis: Implementation and control Using the process model discussed earlier, the managers need to design specific components of the HR Strategic Plan as described below. Setting the strategic direction Through this process managers focus on aligning human resource policies to support the accomplishment of the Companys mission, vision, goals and strategies. In this regards the following actions are recommended for the senior managers: Perform external scanning evaluating its impact on the organizational objective Identify organizational vision, goal, mission, objective and principles for guidance Identify strategies Designing the Human Resource Management System In this stage managers focus on the selection, design and alignment of HRM plans, policies and practices. Managers will particularly need HRM policies and practices to support strategic organizational objectives. For the managers a good approach in developing appropriate HR strategy is to identify the appropriate HRM practices which support the organizationÃâââ¬â¢s strategic intent as it relates to recruitment, training, career planning and reward management. In this regards senior managers are recommended to: Identify appropriate human resource plans, policies and practices needed to support organizational objectives Identify relevant human resource best practices Conduct an employment systems review Planning the total workforce Managers need to determine future business requirements, especially those relating to manpower requirements, represents one of the most challenging tasks facing HR managers. The development of a workforce plan is a critical step for managers.Workforce planning is a systematic process of identifying the workforce competencies required to meet the companys strategic goals and for developing the strategies to meet these requirements. It is a methodical process that provides managers with a framework for making human resource decisions based on the organizationÃâââ¬â¢s mission, strategic plan, budgetary resources, and a set of desired workforce competencies. In this regards senior managers are recommended to do the folloeing: Determining appropriate structure to support objectives Designing key activities Developing workforce planning Compiling a workforce framework and identify designated groups and current competencies for workforce Generating the required human resources In this process senior managers focus on recruit and hire of people, classify them, train them and assign employees on the basis of strategic plan. It requires a comprehensive workplace skills planning which will identify appropriate training priorities based on the organizational requirements within the context of present and future. In this regards senior managers are recommended to do the followings: Evaluating recruitment practices and selection procedure in respect of strategic objectives Developing and implementing comprehensive workplace skills planning thorough training necessity analysis Implementing leadership strategy Adopting occupational techniques and categorizing the group classification Investing in HR Development and Performance Through development responses managers will aim to increase business skills, the application of business skills and the behavioral elements to an organizationÃâââ¬â¢s effective performance. In many ways, the Skills Development legislation has required managers to re-engineer their developmental methods and practices. Through reward strategies managers aim to align the performance of the organization with the way it rewards its people, providing the necessary incentives and motivation to staff. Its components can be a combination of base pay, bonuses, profit sharing, share options, and a range of appropriate benefits, usually based on market or competitor norms and the organizationÃâââ¬â¢s ability to pay. In this regards senior managers are recommended to do the following: Determine the appropriate policies, procedures and practices in respect of Designing career path Initiating performance appraisals through relevant analysis Framework of employee development and training Planning reward management Designing promotional activities and classifying job assignment with prudent assignment planning Assessing and sustaining organizational competence and performance Finally, few managers effectively measure how well their different inputs affect performance. In particular, no measures may be in place for quantifying the contribution people make to organizational outcomes or, more important, for estimating how changes in policies and practices, systems, or processes will affect that contribution. In this regards senior managers are recommended to: Evaluating organizational culture Implementing succession plan Evaluating strategy for human resource through quantitative measures Revising and adapting Human Resource strategies Making the HR Strategy integral to the organization The senior managers also should make sure that the strategies of Human Resource are integrated with overall organizational goals. To achieve these goals, the senior managers should: Discuss with all stakeholders about the nature of the strategies; Focus on benefits derived from the strategies; Ensuring real commitment to the strategies at the all levels of organization; Giving feedback on the implementation of the plan; They should involve HR strategy as part of induction process. The barriers which may prevent line-managers becoming more involved in HR Planning Management and Measures can be take to overcome them: HR hierarchy shows LMs are key persons to run the organization where all other department and their activities and success depend upon responses and performance of LMs. So LMs are prevented by many seasons and amongst the two principal barriers to most line managers supporting the HRPM are: Heavy workloads Line Managers (LMs) are always assigned with extensive workload to keep operation department running to achieve predetermined targets. In a study shown that 96% Line Managers agreed that Heavy workload keep them always busy to concentrate somewhere else. As a result, LMs heavy workload prevents LMs from taking part in HRPM as a principal barrier. Short-term job pressures 87% LMs agreed that Time constrain in respect of short-term job pressure as second principal barrier which prevent them from involving with HRPM. To overcome these barriers proper utilization of technology to minimize the workload or increase the number of Line Managers to share short-term job pressures so that there is enough people to take over while another is working in HR. Other barriers to line manager are: Human Resource Planning and Management (HRPM) is a difficult process Line Managers (LM) are designated and assigned for operational activities and performance appraisal through practices of already designed and managed activities HR activities. HR planning and Management is a technical approach where HR manager is specialized with the knowledge and skills to perform the HRP and HRM activities. But the line managers may not have this skills and knowledge. So they most of the times are reluctant to be involved with the process. In this regard, senior managers should design the roles and responsibilities of a line manager very carefully where there are scopes of being involved with HRP and HRM. As a mandatory process top managers may include special training session to enrich them with HR ideologies and management practices so that the line managers without HR background may learn about the technical approaches involved in the HRP and HRM. Lack of desire The fact that LMs are not always sufficiently willing to take on HR responsibilities or that their motivation to do so is lacking highlights a lack of personal incentives for using HR practices. So lack of desire for any reason including lack of incentives, workload, time constraint is one of the barriers that prevent them to be involved with HRP and HRM. Institutional incentives can persuade LMs to give HR activities serious consideration. So adapting such a business policy where line managers are motivated enough to prioritise HR roles or by making HR responsibilities an integral part of LMs own performance appraisals, their job descriptions may improve their attitude towards being invloved with HRP/HRM. Lack of capacity LMs need time to learn and implement HRP/M successfully. Because HR tasks are generally devolved to LMs without reducing their other duties lack of their capacity to deal with challenges involved in HRP/M. This implies, lack of capacity is another constrain hindering Line Managers taking part in HRP/M. The design of line managers responsibilities should apply variability approach where there should be enough room for them to act with HRP/M. they are usually given a short-term target to be achieved and their time is appropriately aligned with other responsibilities. So there should be alternative choices for them to be involved e.g. if a line manager is getting involved with HR practices, their other jobs are shared with other managers i.e. compromise with their workload or extra facilities may attract them to get involved with HRP/M. Lack of competencies There is a need for HR-related competencies for successful HRP/M implementation. LMs lack specialist knowledge and skills in terms of labor law, HR strategy, HR technology etc. So this lacking may prevent them from getting involved with HRP/M. Through a comprehensive training program this barrier can be overcome. There are specific legal requirements and practices and it is evident that many organizations arrange HR training program for Line Managers. Lack of support There is a need for support from HR managers for successful HRP/M implementation. If HR specialists are unable or unwilling to provide clear and proactive support, LMs will lack sufficient HR skills (Gennard/Kelly 1997; Renwick 2000) and proper encouragement to plan and manage the workforce effectively. So this barrier may also prevent the line managers to take part at HR activities. In these circumstances, senior managers have make sure that the HR managers properly cooperate with Line managers. Senior managers can design a certain set of alternatives that the line managers may follow including IT enabled automatic systems in case of HR managersÃâââ¬â¢ limitations including inability, unavailability or unwillingness where they will be appreciated instead of being criticized. Lack of policy and procedures There is a need for a clear overall HR policy and accompanying procedures to coordinate which practices LMs should use and the way they should take part in HRP/M. This may prevent line managers to take part in HRP/M. In this case senior managers can consult with LMs about the devolution of their responsibilities and design an agreed set of terms and condition for line mangers which will specify their roles and mechanisms they will be willing to be involved in the process of HRP/M. Role and opinion conflict The conflict of roles, responsibilities and opinion may hinder LMs to get involved with HRP/M. Because In this case taking part in the HRP/M by a line manager is monitored and authorised by HR Manager. In this case, senior managers need to improve information sharing between the managers and top-level management may involve to assure and recognize LMs involvement. Rapid Change Rapid change business policy, economic environment and technology also may prevent the Line Managers from getting involved in HRP/M. Because the changes have impact on HR planning and Management practices. Arranging the frequent employee forum discussion or meeting about the changes so that there should not be any ambiguity or conflict about the changes took place in HR practices due to the above changes. The legal framework There are some legal bindings in HR practices which may de-motivate LMs to take part in HRP/M. This may arise from labour and mercantile law relating to nature of business, demographic issues and managerial roles. This is the fact of limitation of knowledge where only the way to overcome this is arranging proper training sessions for LMs about the implications and consequences. In addition to above measures to overcome those barriers, the following steps are recommended to get line managers involved in HRPM: Employment security Pfeffer considers that this is the essential HR outcome. People cannot be expected to offer their ideas, commitment and hard work unless they have job security. Realising that job security for life is not a realistic aim, Pfeffer goes on to describe the benefits of offering internal job transfers rather than sacking people during a period of organisational change. Extensive training, learning and development The aim is to encourage learning that benefits both the individual and the organisation. There are thus implications for the amount of training provided, the types of training, and the ways in which that training facilitates wider employee development. Employee involvement and information sharing By openly sharing information on performance, financial matters, and so on, organisations may show that they trust their employees and may also encourage them to focus on ways of improving future performance. Many modern approaches to teamworking encourage open discussion of current practice and planning ways of creating improvement. This discussion and planning can only be effective if people have the relevant information. Pay and performance-related rewards There are two key issues relating to rewards. First, high-level employees can be retained by giving higher-than-average rewards. Second, rewards should reflect different levels of contribution particularly successful individuals, teams or departments should be rewarded for their efforts. Harmonization Again based on Japanese production companies, some organisations have tried to make their workplaces more egalitarian, for example through the use of uniforms, shared canteens, harmonisation of working conditions e.g. paid holidays, extensions to share ownership and so on. Risks inherent in line-managers becoming more involved in HRPM An extensive body of literature suggests that giving a major role and influence to LMs in HRM can be problematic (Kirkpatrick et al. 1992; McGovern et al. 1997; Renwick 2003; Maxwell and Watson 2006), and even counter-productive (Thornhill and Saunders 1998). Reservations against assigning strong power to Line managers (LMs) in HRPM challenge their capacity to take on new roles parallel to their current workload, as well as their motivation to care about employees. Moreover, a well-known criticism concerns the gap between what is said and what is practiced. Some researchers even suspect that the trend towards greater delegation of responsibilities to LMs often derives from companiesÃâââ¬â¢ desires to cut structural costs as well as to companiesÃâââ¬â¢ desires to free themselves from some responsibilities. Indeed, due to contradictions that are found in HR practices some responsibilities regarding HRPM are difficult to assume. In this perspective, it is negatively reflected that the companyÃâââ¬â¢s will is to disengage from specialized services rather than a true redefinition of roles. Thus, the claim that Ãâââ¬Ëif HRPM is to be taken seriously, personnel managers must give it awayÃâââ¬â¢ can be misleading. As implementing ambitious HR practices is likely to be easier for qualified HR specialists than for LMs, the role of the former is too critical to be given away too quickly. LMs Ãâââ¬Ëneed well designed HR practices to use in their management activitiesÃâââ¬â¢. It is up to HRM specialists to put in place systems that create a favourable Ãâââ¬ËclimateÃâââ¬â¢ and enable employees and managers to know what is expected from them. The role of the HR specialists is all the more significant than that of the HR function should be viewed as a critical resource for the company: for example, the expertise necessary for the identification and use of accurate work systems can be thought of as a competitive advantage. In other words, we believe that HR specialists still have a major role to play. This role may be displayed in different ways according to organizational culture. In this context tested hypotheses is that the organizational performance is weak for companies in which decisions regarding major HRPM policies are influence more by LMs than by HR specialists. Line managers are assigned with a critical set operational responsibilities which involves day to day operation with a short-term target. Achieving this short-term target is a basis of overall organisational goals. So if line managers get involved more in HR practices, there is a risk of overall failure to achieve organisational goal due to negative impact on operational success. Despite the positive impact may resulted from Line managers involvement in HRPM, recent research has shown that delegating HRPM responsibility carries a number of challenges and risks of line management involvement in HRPM and there are certain complications. Research provides mixed results about the implications of devolution and the competence of line managers in HRPM work more generally. It has been confirmed that workloads of line managers may marginalize their efforts in developing employees and they may not be able to pay sufficient attention to employee development. Performance criteria and reward systems are more likely to consider business results, than a longer term people development role. The responsibility for HRPM is not very often included among line managerÃâââ¬â¢s performance objectives. Also, it might be difficult for line managers to play two opposing roles of assessor and coach. Moreover, line managers are not specialists in HR practices and may lack confidence, knowledge and organizational support to assume the responsibility for HRPM. Senior managers must be highly supportive in HRPM role of line managers and an incentive system should be developed to motivate them. Furthermore, acting as a HRPM facilitator demands a coaching management style, as opposed to a directive management style. Lack of coaching skills and insufficient line management motivation for this role is reinforced by findings that the least popular HRPM delivery mechanisms include coaching and mentoring. This may be due to the large commitment of time and resources needed. In respect of Employment law the work of Human Resource functions is increasingly controlled by the requirements of the law. There is an extensive risk of avoiding laws that relate to employment, for example laws on health and safety, on diversity and equality, on employment rights, on rights to strike and so on. The state and the law perform three primary roles in relation to employment as: A restrictive role The state provides a set of rules which limit is what is, and is not, allowed in industrial relations. For example the state defines in what situation workers can go on strike and also defines what management can and cannot do in those situations. A regulatory role This defines the basic rights of all workers. This began with rights for relatively safe working for those employed in mines but has expanded to cover everyone in the workplace. It now also covers many aspects of employment, for example legislation on unfair dismissal means that organisations have to keep careful records on performance, disciplinary procedures and grievances. An auxiliary role Many government bodies give advice, for example on health and safety or equal opportunities, that goes beyond the strict statement of the law. As a result of above employment law being involved in HRPM, excessive involvement of Line manager may result to several conflicts as described below. Conflict with line managers The focus of many line managers will be towards achieving their own, and their teams, targets. This may lead to the manager ignoring guidelines and legislation on working hours, bullying, safety and other issues. Those working in an HR role need to focus on the long-term needs of the organisation: good employee/management relations; working within the legislation, and so on. These long-term needs are of greater importance than achieving a teams short-term targets. Employment and conflicting priorities Managers have a primary aim of adding value to their organisation. By LMs short-term benefit may be gained by sacking employees during periods of low activity. In the long term, however, this is likely to adversely affect staff morale and will also incur costs when new recruits must be found in the future. Freedom and control Conflict may occur between managers wishes to exert freedom in how they run their teams and the strategic need of organisations to exert control and work for at least some degree of consistency. As an example think of policies towards overtime. Line managers may want freedom to use overtime as they think suitable resulting inter-team conflict or problems when employees move between teams. Disputes and grievances The ambiguous nature of HR work is perhaps most clear when disputes occur between employees and management. This may involve a grievance by an individual Line Manager (LM); it may involve a major dispute such as a strike. Technological developments assist the process of facilitating greater line-manager involvement in HRPM Technology Technology refers to the information, equipment, techniques processes required to transform inputs into outputs. It is considered as the basic factor in the process of development. The use of technology lead to increase in the productivity of labor, capital others factors of organization. Role of Technology Increasing the productivity of the workers Utilization of the resources Higher level of output per worker. Creation of the employment More profit for the organization Cost minimization When Human Resource Management (HRM) involves Information Technology (IT) then it is called HRM Information Systems (HRMIS) or in short HRIS. In this modern period of time technology is widely used in HR practices even in developing HR strategy and in their implementation. HRIS is an organized approach for obtaining relevant and timely data, analyze and disseminate data and use them in HR practice and management. We now have the technology to allow us to reduce HR administration and to provide improved levels of service to our internal customers. Through HRIS the managers are able to access up-to-date, accurate, concise, relevant and complete information. Because of HR technology HR roles and practices are changing as shown below: The payroll module automates the pay process by gathering data on employee time and attendance, calculating various deductions and taxes, and generating periodic pay cheques and employee tax reports. The work time gathers standardized time and work related efforts. The benefits administration module provides a system for organizations to administer and track employee participation in benefits programs. The HR management module is a component covering many other HR aspects from application to retirement. The training module provides a system for organizations to administer and track employee training and development efforts. The Employee Self-Service module allows employees to query HRPM related data. Thus, development of Technology played a significant role to overcome barriers preventing LMs from getting involved and it contributed positively to minimize the risk of LMs being more involved in HRPM which illustrated below: More efficient and time saving approach Uses of technology save lots of time in the process where Line Managers are involved. The LMsÃâââ¬â¢ workloads is minimized and there is availability in time to get involved in HRPM. Better Communication Technology made it easy to communicate internally and externally with other managers especially with HR manager to share information and the specific areas of HR practices where he can take part. In addition the LMs can learn necessary techniques through web conferencing, multi-media training, Tele-conference etc. So they will more willing to take part in HRPM. Global Accessibility Technology enables LMs 24/7 local, global and international access to the area of HR practices. So LMs can take part in HRPM regardless time, place and resource constraints. Competence Technology increases the level of LMsÃâââ¬â¢s competence through availability of wide range of information, easy access to training, better communication etc. So they will like to take this challenge in addition to their regular responsibility. Improving Record Management Technology widely assists to improve record keeping from manual to electronic system in operation and HR department. Technology ensures maximum output with minimum time and resources which enables LMs to get Promoting internal Stakeholders Technology increase analytical ability of LMs leading them to integrating the activities which is widely taking place now a days. Conclusion Now a days HR and Operation departments are integrating their activities to boost up their results of activities and gain competitive advantage. In this case both Senior Managers and Line Managers play a pivotal role to HR Development and Management. In this regard, integrating departmental works and improving technology utilization will contribute to achieving the set of stakeholdersÃâââ¬â¢ goals in organisation. References Aston, D. (1984) Current Issues in Line/Staff Relationships. Management Education and Development, Journal of European Industrial Training, 10: 105-18 Budhwar, P.S. 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