Saturday, August 31, 2019
How Technology Changes Our Lives Essay
There is no doubt that technology has affected all of our lives. Whether it is positive or negative will be determined by the success of our ability to communicate with those around us. Now days the pace of innovation is increasing every day. Itââ¬â¢s always a race to have the newest coolest technology. * The Internet is the fastest-growing tool of communication ever. It took radio broadcasters 38 years to reach an audience of 50 million, television 13 years, and the Internet just 4 years. * The Worldwide Internet Population is estimated at 1.08 billion. In 2000 there were 400 million users, and in 1995 20 million users. * In 2001 more information could be sent over a single cable in a second than in 1997 was sent over the entire Internet in a month. * The cost of transmitting information has fallen dramatically. A trillion bits of information from Boston to Los Angeles from $150,000 in 1970 to 12 cents today. E-mailing a 40-page document from Chile to Kenya costs less than 10 cents, faxing it about $10, sending it by courier $50. * The average total cost of using a local dialup Internet account for 20 hours a month in Africa is about USD 60 a month and USD 22 a month in the US. The average African monthly salary is less than USD 60. * Native English speakers represent 35% of the on line population, although they are less than 10% of the world population. Native Chinese speakers represent the second largest group: 16% of the online population. * In Chile 89% of internet users have had tertiary education, in Sri Lanka 65%, and in China 70%. * Iceland has the highest percentage of internet users (68%); the United States stands at 56%; Malaysia 34%; Jordan 8%; Palestine 4%; Nigeria 0.6%; Tajikistan 0.1% The Gender Divide. Read more:à How Has Technology Changed Our Lives * The typical Internet user worldwide is young, male and wealthy ââ¬â a member of an elite minority. * A gender gap exists in access and usage of information and communication technologies. Women represent 42% of Internet users in the world. 37% in Italy and Germany. * The gap is narrowing in certain countries: Brazil 47%, Thailand 49%, United States and Canada 51 * At the end of the 20th century, 90% of data on Africa was stored in Europe and the United States. * With only 18% of the world population, OECD countries contain nonetheless 79% of the worldââ¬â¢s internet users. * The United States, with a population close to the population of the Middle East, has 199 million Internet users while the Middle East has only 16 million. * 34% of internet users are in developing countries. 81% of the world population is in developing countries. * The density of fixed telephone lines and mobile telephone lines is 5 times more in developed countries than in developing countries. PC ownership is 11 times more, and internet usage 8 times more. [developed=western Europe, Australia, Canada, Japan, new Zealand, the US; everyone else in developing] * Of the estimated 5-8 million internet users in Africa, only about 2 million users are outside of North and South Africa. This implies about 1 user for every 250 to 400 people. This compares to the world average of 1 for every 15 people and a North and European average of 1 user for every 2 persons. * Within the Global South, opportunitie s are also unevenly distributed. In the Dominican Republic, 80% of internet users are in the capital. In China, the two cities of Shanghai and Beijing contain as many internet users as the 15 least connected provinces of 600 million people combined. In India, home to a major global hub of innovation, only 0.4% of people use the Internet. * Of the approximately 816 million people in Africa in 2001, it is estimated that: * 1 in 4 have a radio * 1 in 13 have a TV * 1 in 35 have a mobile phone * 1 in 40 have a fixed line phone * 1 in 130 have a PC * 1 in 60 use the Internet Telephones * One third of the world population has never made a telephone call. * While Sub-Saharan Africa contains about 10% of the worldââ¬â¢s population, it accounts for only 0.2% of the worldââ¬â¢s 1 billion telephone lines. * The cost of renting a telephone connection on the African continent averages about 20 percent of GDP per capita compared to a world average of 9 percent and an average of only 1 percent in high-income countries. * There are under 5 telephones per 100 people in India. * In the world, there are over 1.2 billion fixed telephone lines, 1.3 billion cellular subscribers and 140 billion international telephone traffic minutes each year. Mobile Telephones * As of 2002, mobile subscribers worldwide have outnumbered fixed-line subscribers. The mobile cross-over has taken place across geographic criteria, across socio-demographic criteria such as gender, income, or age, and across economic criteria. * Brazil has the same number of cellular phone subscribers as the whole of Africa combined. Asia, with 450 million subscribers, has twice the number of subscribers as the Americas combined. There are 836.5 million mobile subscribers in OECD countries. * While the United States has 199 million cell phone subscribers, it is not part of the top ten countries with the highest percentage of mobile subscribers. 55% of the US populations are mobile subscribers. * Africa holds only 3% of the worldââ¬â¢s mobile subscribers, yet Africa is the first place where mobile subscribers outnumbered fixed-line subscribers. In five years (1997-2002), the number of cell phone subscribers in Africa grew by 1600%. * Nicaragua has more than 3 times more mobile ph one subscribers than fixed land lines (739 thousand compared with 214 thousand). * The number of mobile subscriptions per 100 people in a given country range from 120 in Luxembourg, to .44 in Malaysia, 24 in Jordan, 13 in Palestine, 3 in Nigeria et 0.7 in Tajikistan. Patents * OECD countries, with 14% of the worldââ¬â¢s people, accounted for 86% of the patent applications filed in 1998 and 85% of the scientific and technical journal articles published worldwide. * Firms in developed countries currently account for 96% of royalties from patents, or $71 billion a year. The Computing Sector * In the UK, women constitute only about 20% of computer science classes (AGCAS 2003). In the US, the percentage of female computer science bachelors has decreased by 28% between 1983 and 1998 (Gurer and Camp 2002). Similarly in the computer science industry, the average female presence hovers around 20% (DfES 2001, AAUW 2000). * The computing industry exhibits vertical segregation (certain occupations for women, others for men) as well as horizontal segregation (women clustered in lower echelon occupations); in 1991 only 10% of the members of the British Computing Society were women. In 2000 9% of US IT engineers were women. On the other hand, 80% of data entry personnel was female. (Ahuja 2002; Webster 1996; Taggart & Oââ¬â¢Gara 2000) EWaste * 220 million tons of old computers and other technological hardware are trashed in the United States each year. * Only 11% of PCs are recycled; the percentage for televisions and mainframes recycled is lower. * The United States generates more e-waste than any other nation . * An estimated 50-80% of e-waste collected in the United States for recycling is exported to areas such as China, India or Pakistan. Unusable equipment is also being donated or sold to developing nations as a way to avoid recycling costs.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Code of Ethics Steve Madden
Code of Ethics All employees, officers and directors of Steven Madden, Ltd. are responsible for conducting themselves in compliance with this Code of Business Conduct and Ethics other policies of the Company and applicable laws, rules and regulations. The Company adopted the Code in order to assist the Company and its employees, officers and directors with the Companyââ¬â¢s goals of conducting its business and affairs in accordance with applicable laws, rules and regulations and maintaining the highest standards of ethical conduct, fair dealing and honesty.The Company also expects that any consultants or other service providers it retains will adhere to the Code. In making employment and personnel decisions, the Company employment decisions must be based only on an employeeââ¬â¢s or applicantââ¬â¢s qualifications, demonstrated skills and achievements without regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, citizenship, sexual orientatio n, gender identity or marital status. In carrying out the Companyââ¬â¢s business, employees, officers and directors may learn confidential or proprietary information about the Company or third parties.Employees, officers and directors must maintain the confidentiality of all information entrusted to them, except when disclosure is authorized or legally mandated. Confidential or proprietary information includes, for example, any nonpublic information concerning the Company, including its business, properties, financial performance, results or prospects, and any nonpublic information provided by a third party with the expectation or contractual agreement that the information will be kept confidential and used solely for the business purpose for which it was conveyed.Employees, officers and directors are required to secure from unauthorized access and public view documents under their control that contain confidential or proprietary information. When such information is discarded, a ppropriate steps must be taken to ensure proper and complete destruction. In addition, employees, officers and directors are prohibited from taking confidential or proprietary information with them upon termination of employment with the Company or from using or disclosing such information for any purpose lsewhere, including with a different employer or company. Any confidential or proprietary information must be promptly returned to the Company upon termination of employment or affiliation with the Company. Key points are to conduct business within the laws, rules and guidelines as set forth by the company. This includes business handling, employees and proprietary information. All information should be kept confidential and not to be sold or disseminated. And do not take information when you leave the company or are terminated.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Ethical Dilemma Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Ethical Dilemma - Case Study Example In the first scenario, Wal-Mart should not have closed the shop as a result of a unionised workforce. The company should not only be concerned about its self serving interests but it should also cater for the interests of the employers who have a right to be represented. The shop also caters for the needs of the customers who have also been affected by the closure of the shop. Therefore, it is important for the shop to take into consideration the needs and interests of the stakeholders at large rather than focusing on its interests alone. In the second scenario, the CEO of Levi Straus should not accept the Wal-Mart deal. Basically, business values should never be compromised for financial gain (Rossouw, 2004). Offering low cost jeans would be a compromise in terms of quality and this would short change the customers. Therefore, this deal should never be implemented. In the third scenario, I think Wal-Mart should not be allowed in California as a result of the fact that its presence will impact negatively on the welfare of the other residents in the area. The right course of action that should be taken is that which benefits the majority of people. In this case, this deal does not benefit the majority of the other people hence it should not be
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
War in Darfur Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
War in Darfur - Article Example They are given complete impunity for looting and destruction as long as they ensure the governmentââ¬â¢s interests in Darfur. The main interest of the government is the land in Darfur. The Darfur natives identify Ali Kosheib as the commander of the Janjaweed unit which is responsible for looting and burning their properties. He calls himself the government and uses the government machinery like weapons and vehicles when he goes looting. The government allows the militia to smuggle gum Arabic as part of their compensation. It also helps them extort resources from the public by organizing Government-sponsored ââ¬Å"reconciliation conferencesâ⬠where the Janjaweed militia demands huge payoffs to prevent further attacks. The Darfur conflict intensifies more with attempted peace efforts. There have not been proposed peace efforts addressing the main issues which cause war in Darfur and this leads to rejection of such proposals. International initiatives of peace in Sudan are disconnected from Darfur and instead they are concentrated in other areas which allow the militia to divide and conquer minimizing the chances of peace in Darfur. Peace in Darfur can only be propagated by internationally-backed peace initiatives which will address the core issues and resolve the conflict once and for all. Otherwise, some population of Darfur will continue to be wiped out as their land is taken and their property destroyed while nothing is being done about it. In my opinion, this article presented the accurate situation on the ground of what is happening in Darfur. Despite reports from the UN that the war in Darfur is no more; their citizens continue to flee their country in search for peaceful places to stay in other countries as refugees. This article also gives evidence of interviewed nationals who have witnessed the militia loot, burn and kill people while using government vehicles. I totally agree with the author of
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Drug Behavior and Blood Brain Barrier Permeability Essay
Drug Behavior and Blood Brain Barrier Permeability - Essay Example Adolescent's innovation and curiosity can be transformed in dependence and addiction. Substance abuse is a maladaptive pattern leading to clinically significant impairment or distress. Several illicit substances produce dependence, defined as substance abuse that leads to loss of control, monopolization of time by substance use, and adverse medical, social, or emotional consequences that include tolerance and withdrawal (Gonzalez-Mayo, et al., 2005). There is a continued use in spite of knowing the problems that it causes. The mesolimbic dopamine system, particularly the nucleus accumbens, is a critical reinforcing site for drug addiction; this same pathway is believed to control drug craving and seeking behavior. It was recently proposed that addiction is a disease of learning and memory; classical conditioning describes learning in which a natural response is elicited by a conditioned, or learned, stimulus that previously was presented in conjunction with an unconditioned stimulus. Some evidence suggests that the mechanisms involved in the acute stimulant effects of cocaine and other illicit psychostimulants may be similar to the underlying features that explain chronic effects and addiction. The studies conducted in mice have allowed researchers to disclose important data regarding addiction pathways and neurotransmitter input. In humans, cocaine acute intoxication ca... On the other hand, ethanol intoxication causes disinhibition, emotional lability, slurred speech, ataxia, coma, and blackouts. Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances, and causes restlessness, insomnia, anxiety, and arrhythmias. Boudreau & Wolf (2005) define sensitization as "the augmentation of behavioral responses to drugs of abuse that occurs during their repeated administration and persists long after drug exposure is discontinued". The study conducted by Bainton, et al. is based on behavioral sensitization and the similarities between the addiction pathways of mammals and flies. By analyzing genetic features of Drosophila, the authors show that the behavioral defects observed in the mutant strains are not caused by accessibility changes of the administered drugs, but from alterations in the blood brain barrier, by means of changes in nervous system function. The Experimental Fly Since 1900, Drosophila flies have been used for genetic experiments. The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster is highly accessible to genetic analyses, and has been introduced as a novel model organism to help interpret the complex foundation of drug-induced behaviors (Heberlein, 2008). In this study, flies were maintained on special agars and mutants where screened for drug sensitivity. First, researchers evaluated several fly strains that carried a mutation named EP1529, and found an increased sensitivity to both cocaine and nicotine exposures; excision of the mutation restored drug sensitivity in these flies. Additionally, the altered gene was identified as moody, which encode for a G protein-coupled receptor. In both larvae and adult flies,
Monday, August 26, 2019
Legalization of Prostitution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Legalization of Prostitution - Essay Example It is because they cannot control their impulses. The case with prostitution is the same. The general opinion is against it but yet for some strange reason we all know that it exists in our society. In this paper I will argue why it is necessary to legalize prostitution. Why Prostitution must be legalized? Legalizing prostitution will do one great benefit and that too will be to the lives of a prostitute. We cannot ignore the fact that prostitution is a global phenomenon. Even though it is illegal in many countries it continues to exist and because it is not legal the people involved with it are exploited. Illicit activities are taken over by mafias and gangs, and this actually adds to the problems of the society. Criminal syndicates earn money and use that money to finance more illicit activities that may actually be more harmful to the society than prostitution. Due to the fact that prostitution usually happens under the umbrella of criminals prostitutes are exploited and they are taken advantage of. Girls are forced to work as a prostitute and they are made slaves. Foreign girls usually fall prey to criminal organizations who force them into sex slavery (Sarup, K. 2008). Prostitutes who are working on their will are not paid well. Prostitutes are also treated badly and many of them have to face abuse on a regular basis (Sarup, K. 2008). All this happens because the activity is not legalized. People donââ¬â¢t understand but human beings will continue to go to prostitutes in one form or another therefore we should legalize the thing. Prostitutes are a common sight even in countries in which prostitution is banned. This shows that making it illegal will not stop it therefore we should have a pragmatic solution about it. And it is not something out of the blue. Philosophers like Noam Chomsky also argue for the legalization of prostitution for the very same reason (Spector, J. 2006). Prostitution is ubiquitous in the world we live in and there are many people who are earning through this activity. All the money that they are earning is not reaching the government as they are not paying taxes. This means that government is missing upon a great opportunity to earn money. By legalization o f prostitution governments can earn money and they can also register the number of brothels just to ensure that no wrongdoings are happening. Netherland has taken the initiative of legalizing prostitution and they are getting revenue from this industry (Simmons, M. 2008). We have such examples in front of us and therefore prostitution should be legalized. In times of tough financial situations governments can rely on the money they will get through prostitution. Higher taxes can be imposed on prostitution in order to generate revenue. Registration of prostitution related activates will also allow the law enforcement agencies to push out the criminal syndicates from prostitution. Because owners of brothels and other sex selling services company will have t o file tax returns criminals will not try to enter this business. This will actually help reduce crimes like human trafficking that are related to prostitution. Sex slavery is a huge problem for the world today and that can be solved if prostitution is made legal all over the world. People who argue against prostitution do so because they think that it will damage and destroy the family life of the society. They also argue that it is not wise to promote
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Cultural difficulties can be difficult to manage, even if they Essay
Cultural difficulties can be difficult to manage, even if they anticipated - Essay Example The so-called resource-based approach to strategic management, for instance, is based on this line of thinking (Barney, 100-110, 1999; Dereskey, 230-244, 1997). Even though it cannot be allocated and generated in a way entirely analogous to the financial resources of a corporation, it is still an integral part of strategic management (Itami, 108-114, 1987). A strategic resource is defined as a resource that can be shifted from one business strategy application to another (Lorange, 132-154, 2000) - not only financial funds or technological expertise, but also human resources. Without the growth of human resources as a strategic resource within a corporation, it will be difficult to secure the long-term strategic future of the corporation, even though financial resources might be adequate (Evans, 102-128, 1996). Managers of international workforce are currently witnessing an increase of cooperative cultural problems as vehicles for implementing strategy, particularly in multinational contexts where joint cultural problems, licensing agreements, project cooperation, and other methods of cooperation are becoming commonplace (Contractor and Lorange, 144-187, 2003). The reasons for the growth of cooperative cultural problems are manifold: they may make scarce strategic resources last longer by utilizing complementary resources from several partners; they may allow faster market penetration; they may be a political necessity, and so on (Lorange, 164-176, 1986). It is interesting to notice that, while strategic alliances in the past often might have been seen as the "next best" options, with full ownership being preferred, today the positive emphasis on creativity and opportunity seeking through bringing together complementary creative teams seems to have put these types of cooperative how manage rs can overcome problems arising from cultural differences of employee strategies in an even more favourable light (Chakravarthy and Lorange, 316-322, 1999; Lorange and Roos, 141-153, 1992). The human resource function is particularly critical to successful implementation of such cooperative cultural problems or how managers can overcome problems arising from cultural differences of employee strategies. Several strategic human resource issues surrounding these cooperative cultural problems, however, are not well understood; therefore, the present article raises and discusses a number of them. It can be argued that the choice of a cooperative international business should satisfy several requirements of each participating partner. The cooperative international business must create a value-added chain by bringing together synergistic factors for a combined output greater than the sum of the outputs of each participating partner. The combined output must result in a competitive product or service, in comparison with alternative sources of supply. A partner in a joint international business may wish to keep a certain degree of discretionary control over its unique resources. Some strategic resources, such as unique technological skills or relevant marketing expertise may not as readily be made available to
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Critical Perspectives on Management and Organizations Essay
Critical Perspectives on Management and Organizations - Essay Example exualization in the workplace as will be covered by this paper is important because although the impulse to desexualize their operations is found to be quite pervasive across most organizations, it has nevertheless been by most people as being an ideal that will essentially never be realized in full. In her article Sullivan (2014) notes that one of the most popular arguments surrounding desexualization was presented by Burrell (1984) who argued that sexual relations generally tend to exist as a dialectic of resistance and control in a situation whereby the active presence of sexual acts and desires generally exist alongside the impulses to control sexuality. This argument as presented by Burrell (1984) is interpreted as meaning that despite the concentrated efforts on the part of our social impulses to try and create what will be a desexualized society, this feat is nevertheless quite impossible and can never be accomplished in its pure form. In his article, Burell (1984) further goes on to call out both the suppression and general expulsion of sexuality as essentially having beein developed as a form of managerial control, in addition to this, Burrell (1984) also suggests that undertaking to implement a re-eroticization experience of labor might potentially have the effect of signifying resistance. This paper is important as it will show the arguments presented by Sullivan (2014) to show that attempts geared at trying to expel sexuality not only from the various individual employees working on organizations, but also from labor, client relations, organizations and occupations has the effect of creating as opposed to helping mitigate some of the ongoing gendered problems. One of the main gendered problems that will be comprehensively analyzed as presented by Sullivan (2004) is that impulses to desexualize organizations and workers tend to as a necessity exist alongside the sexualization of places and bodies. The paper is crucial to this topic as it examines
TO PLAN A SMALL BUSINESS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
TO PLAN A SMALL BUSINESS - Essay Example Itââ¬â¢s a time tested fact that every business when it is founded starts on a small note and then grows with time, in order to gain sustainability and maintain competitive advantage in the marketplace. The small businesses are started by identifying and fulfilling the needs of the customer while starting with a very small seed capital. In a similar note, to fulfill the needs of the needs of the youngsters, and busy professionals, who lack the time and space to network and socialize with each other, the concept called 18 Cafe has been developed. 18 Cafe will satisfy the socializing needs of todayââ¬â¢s youngsters and busy professionals, while providing a cool, soothing and relaxing ambience of the 18th century, but with the technological connectivity of the 21st century. Mission The mission of 18 Cafe is to provide superior line of products at affordable rates without compromising on the product as well as the service quality. The following figure illustrates the expected figur es of net sales, gross profit as well as net profit for 18 Cafe during the first two years of its operations. Figure 1: Expected position during the first two years of operation Objectives The short term objectives of 18 Cafe would be to accomplish sales of ?200,000 in its outlet in the first year and maintain a net profit margin greater than 30% of sales by the end of the year. In the long run, 18 Cafe expects to expand its outlets in UK and subsequently across Africa. Business The globalization of the planet Earth has brought with itself, various advantages to the human life. It has moved on from the era of industrialization in the early 70ââ¬â¢s to an era of digitization which began in the late 80ââ¬â¢s and finally transformed itself to the era of globalization in the era of late 90ââ¬â¢s. Peopleââ¬â¢s lives have increasingly becoming hectic as they try to maintain a descent lifestyle with a descent income. With the rise of middle class families all around the globe a long with the pressure of financial crisis on the Euro zone, people around the globe and mostly in the western countries are responding to the pressure on their financial needs by working extra hours or by doing or handling multiple jobs. As a result of this hectic work schedule, social lives of the people are getting hampered. Man is a social animal and the social networking media like Facebook and Twitter has to some extent helped people in connecting with each other. But, the need for physical space is very much essential in spite of the shortage of time for networking in the peopleââ¬â¢s life. Keeping the need of todayââ¬â¢s busy individual in mind, a proper business plan is being built to develop cater to the needs of the human interaction in the real world. So the idea in this business plan is to develop a Wi-Fi cafe that will be serving the purpose of human interaction in the real as well as virtual world, while grabbing some quick bite to please their appetites. The pr oposed name of the cafe is 18 Cafe. The Cafe is intended to be set up with an initial capital of ?100,000, of which the owner would put in 25% and expected to arrange a bank loan for the remaining 75% capital
Friday, August 23, 2019
Argumentation-Persusasion ( Legalize Marijuana) Essay
Argumentation-Persusasion ( Legalize Marijuana) - Essay Example Moreover, the other two most popular drugs in US, tobacco and alcohol, are legal and they protest that marijuana should also be made legal (Morgan 2011). The arguments on the legalization of marijuana are quite vast and diverse and cover various aspects encompassing medical, economic, legal and social aspects. In 1937, the Marijuana Tax Act was first signed by President Roosevelt as a federal law and became effective in October. According to the federal state laws, any person in possession of marijuana for the first time has to pay a fine of amount $1,000 along with imprisonment of one year. Possession for another time can cost the offender being sent to prison for up to three years. The cultivation or business in marijuana sale can lead to severe punishments which include life-time imprisonment and a very huge amount of fine (Morgan 2011). The supporters of marijuana legalization put forward the US budget crisis to support their arguments. Marijuana legislation will save 41.3 billion dollars spent on arrests and jail imprisonment every year. This economic aspect is significant as estimates of 750,000 people are arrested each year because of possession or sale of marijuana. Other savings will include the payments to judges, court trials, juries and other legal formalities. With the curren t debt of thirteen trillion dollars, US can benefit from the legalization of Marijuana (Turnlund 2011). Another point highlighted is, the tax on the sale of marijuana sale, which can produce billions of money in the yearly revenue. With this money, the government can spend this amount on improving other more significant areas (Morgan 2011). The opponents of marijuana resist the legalization of marijuana by claiming that if marijuana is legalized, it would lead to emergence of new users who had up till now resisted the temptation because of the law enforcements. Another issue is that marijuana
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Individual Assignment Environmental Fundamentals Paper Essay Example for Free
Individual Assignment Environmental Fundamentals Paper Essay à · How do you define environmental science ? à · How does the relationship between science and technology affect environmental problems and solutions in todayââ¬â¢s society? à · Why is the concept of environmental sustainability important, and why should it be studied? What are the historical patterns surrounding sustainable and unsustainable human interactions with the environment? à · In general, how do human values affect sustainability given current challenges facing society? After reviewing the research on the environment, how do environmental hazards affect human health? Provide at least two examples. It is important to remember that college is not all about studying. College is a significant step into adulthood and should be treated as such. While you should not party the night away, do not keep your nose in your books to the point that you do not get to enjoy this time of your life. This work comprises ENV 100 Week 1 Individual Assignment Environmental Fundamentals Paper à General Questions General General Questions Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you discuss the fundamental principles of environment science. In your paper, answer the following questions: à · How do you define environmental science ? à · How does the relationship between science and technology affect environmental problems and solutions in todayââ¬â¢s society? à · Why is the concept of environmental sustainability important, and why should it be studied? What are the historical patterns surrounding sustainable an To get this material copy and paste link to browser It is important to remember that college is not all about studying. College is a significant step into adulthood and should be treated as such. While you should not party the night away, do not keep your nose in your books to the point that you do not get to enjoy this time of your life. General Questions General General Questions Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you discuss the fundamental principles of environment science. In your paper, answer the following questions: à · How do you define environmental science ? à · How does the relationship between science and technology affect environmental problems and solutions in todayââ¬â¢s society? à · Why is the concept of environmental sustainability important, and why should it be studied? What are the historical patterns surrounding sustainable and unsustainable human interactions with the environment? à · In general, how do human values affect sustainability given current challenges facing society? After reviewing the research on the environment, how do environmental hazards affect human health? Provide at least two examples.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Past Trends of Training and Development
Past Trends of Training and Development WHAT EXACTLY RECESSION IS In economics, a recession is a business cycle contraction, a general slowdown in economic activity over a period of time. During recessions, many macroeconomic indicators vary in a similar way. Production as measured by Gross Domestic Product (GDP), employment, investment spending, capacity utilization, household incomes, business profits and inflation all fall during recessions; while bankruptcies and the unemployment rate rise. Recessions are generally believed to be caused by a widespread drop in spending. Governments usually respond to recessions by adopting expansionary macroeconomic policies, such as increasing money supply, increasing government spending and decreasing taxation. ABOUT TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Training is an act of increasing knowledge and skills of an employee for doing a particular job. Its purpose is to achieve a change in the behavior of those trained and to enable them to do their jobs better. Training is necessary for the newly appointed employees and its equally necessary for the old employee whenever new machines or new technology is introduced in the job. Training is a continuous process. Development is career-centered in nature. All development is self- development. The executive has to be internally motivated for self- development although the terms training and development are used interchangeably and often used together, there are some differences between the two. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT There is a difference between terms Training and Development. Training means learning skills and knowledge for doing a particular job. It increases job skills. The term training is generally used to denote imparting specific skills among operative workers and employees. Training is concerned with maintaining and improving current job performance. Thus, it has a short term perspective. Training is job-centered in Nature. The role of trainer or supervisor is very important in training. Development means the growth of an employee in all respects. It shapes attitudes. The term development is associated with the overall growth of the executives and managers. Executive development seeks to develop competence and skills for future performance. Thus, it has a long- term perspective. IMPORTANCE OF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Training and development can be initiated for a variety of reasons for an employee or group of employees. When a performance appraisal indicates performance improvement is needed To benchmark the status of improvement so far in a performance improvement effort As part of an overall professional development program As part of succession planning to help an employee be eligible for a planned change in role in the organization To test, the operation of a new performance management system To train about a specific topic TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT PROCESS Organizational Objectives Needs Assessment Is There a Gap? Training Objectives Select the Trainees Select the Training Methods and Mode Choose a Means of Evaluating Administer Training Evaluate the Training METHODS OF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT There are two broad types of training available to small businesses: on-the-job and off-the-job techniques. Individual circumstances and the who, what and why of your training program determine which method to use. On-the-job training is delivered to employees while they perform their regular jobs. In this way, they do not lose time while they are learning. After a plan is developed for what should be taught, employees should be informed of the details. A timetable should be established with periodic evaluations to inform employees about their progress. On-the-job techniques include Orientations job instruction training apprenticeships internships and assistantships job rotation and coaching. Orientations are for new employees. The first several days on the job are crucial in the success of new employees. This point is illustrated by the fact that 60 percent of all employees who quit do so in the first ten days. Orientation training should emphasize the following topics: The companys history and mission. The key members in the organization. The key members in the department, and how the department helps fulfill the mission of the company. Personnel rules and regulations. Verbal presentations Some companies use this method while others have written presentations. Many small businesses convey these topics in one-on-one orientations. No matter what method is used, it is important that the newcomer understand his or her new place of employment. Lectures present training material verbally and are used when the goal is to present a great deal of material to many people. It is more cost effective to lecture to a group than to train people individually. Lecturing is one-way communication and as such may not be the most effective way to train. Also, it is hard to ensure that the entire audience understands a topic on the same level; by targeting the average attendee you may undertrain some and lose others. Despite these drawbacks, lecturing is the most cost-effective way of reaching large audiences. Role playing and simulation are training techniques that attempt to bring realistic decision making situations to the trainee. Likely problems and alternative solutions are presented for discussion. The adage there is no better trainer than experience is exemplified with this type of training. Experienced employees can describe real world experiences, and can help in and learn from developing the solutions to these simulations. This method is cost effective and is used in marketing and management training. Audiovisual methods such as television, videotapes and films are the most effective means of providing real world conditions and situations in a short time. One advantage is that the presentation is the same no matter how many times its played. This is not true with lectures, which can change as the speaker is changed or can be influenced by outside constraints. The major flaw with the audiovisual method is that it does not allow for questions and interactions with the speaker, nor does it allow for changes in the presentation for different audiences. Job rotation involves moving an employee through a series of jobs so he or she can get a good feel for the tasks that are associated with different jobs. It is usually used in training for supervisory positions. The employee learns a little about everything. This is a good strategy for small businesses because of the many jobs an employee may be asked to do. Apprenticeships develop employees who can do many different tasks. They usually involve several related groups of skills that allow the apprentice to practice a particular trade, and they take place over a long period of time in which the apprentice works for, and with, the senior skilled worker. Apprenticeships are especially appropriate for jobs requiring production skills. Internships and assistantships are usually a combination of classroom and on-the-job training. They are often used to train prospective managers or marketing personnel. Programmed learning, computer-aided instruction and interactive video all have one thing in common: they allow the trainee to learn at his or her own pace. Also, they allow material already learned to be bypassed in favor of material with which a trainee is having difficulty. After the introductory period, the instructor need not be present, and the trainee can learn as his or her time allows. These methods sound good, but may be beyond the resources of some small businesses. Laboratory training is conducted for groups by skilled trainers. It usually is conducted at a neutral site and is used by upper- and middle management trainees to develop a spirit of teamwork and an increased ability to deal with management and peers. It can be costly and usually is offered by larger small businesses Off-the-job techniques include Lectures special study films television conferences or discussions case studies role playing simulation programmed instruction and laboratory training. COMPANIES TO BE ANALYSED IN TERMS OF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT PRACTICES: WIPRO INFOSYS ABOUT WIPRO Wipro Limited (BSE: 507685, NYSE: WIT) is an information technology services corporation headquartered in Bangalore, India. According to the 2008-09 revenue, Wipro is one of the largest IT services company in India and employs more than 112,925 people worldwide as of June 2010. It has interests varying from information technology, consumer care, lighting, engineering and healthcare businesses. Azim Premji is the Chairman of the board. ABOUT INFOSYS Infosys (BSE: 500209, NASDAQ: INFY) is an information technology services company headquartered in Bangalore, India. Infosys is one of the largest IT companies in India with 114,822 employees (including subsidiaries) as of 2010. It has offices in 30 countries and development centres in India, China, Australia, UK, Canada and Japan. BEFORE RECESSION TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS IN WIPRO BEFORE RECESSION Technical training Training about Product Implementation and Development About Integration, Maintenance and Production support services Product, Process, Domain and Technology Trainings ERP and Non ERP Application Training Rollout Rapid Content Development Solutions Assessment and Certification About Change Management Wipro got following awards for its training and development programme in year 2004-2007 Winner of American Society for Training and Development BEST award for four consecutive years 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007 Dale Carnegie Leadership Award in the year 2007 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS IN INFOSYS BEFORE RECESSION Technical learning, orientation to company processes and practices. About product features and applications Classroom lecture Verbal presentations DURING RECESSION TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS IN WIPRO DURING RECESSION Talent management Encore: A basket of nonmonetory rewards given to motivate employees Communicating with the employees: Dont leave your employees in the dark with regards to the companys current situation and prospects. Few things turn people off like the feeling that they are being left out. If you trust them with the truth, they will trust you in turn. Training based on requirement Technical training Stress management TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS IN INFOSYS DURING RECESSION Internship: New employees are directly given i=on the job training by assigning a mentor Technological up to date: Motivation Product application About change management AT PRESENT TIME TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS IN WIPRO AT PRESENT TIME: Wipro can develop customized, interactive and engaging content to meet its employees training needs. Wipro develop learning content for a wide range of delivery methods Instructor-led training Web-based training Blended training solutions The custom content development services of wipro provide a very wide range of training practices backed by their strength in Instructional Design and pedagogy. And these training methods include Application Training Product Training Process Training Training for New Hires Sales Training Compliance/Regulation Training Technology and Domain Training Soft Skills Training Business Simulations. Wipro also provide content conversion and rapid content development solutions that will meet the varied requirements of the organization. Wipro believe in implementing the right learning pedagogy using customizable frameworks and assign an optimized mix of offshore-onsite development teams to develop these solutions. OTHER TRAINING METHODS THAT WIPRO IS USING e mobile based learning video podcasts learning nuggets on Outlook gaming and virtual worlds. TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS IN INFOSYS AT PRESENT TIME: In Infosys all engineering trainees (people hired straight off campus) undergo a 52-day initial learning programme, which is a combination of technical learning, soft skills development and orientation to company processes and practices. Technical training by Education Research department: We have an entry-level technical training program, which is for a duration of 14 weeks. This program has been certified by educationists as being equivalent to a BS program in the US. The Education Research (ER) department at Infosys offers a variety of training programs on a regular basis for Middle level employees as well. Quality Process Training: Infosys has a strong focus on quality processes and methodologies. This training is tailored to the role that one is playing ie. Software Engineer, Programmer Analyst, Project Managers etc Personal Effectiveness and Managerial Programs: Programs to enhance the managerial capabilities and leadership abilities, to enable better customer satisfaction, achieve organizational vision and create high performing multicultural teams. ILI: The Infosys Leadership System: The Infosys Leadership System (ILS) and the Infosys Leadership Institute (ILI) address the issue of sustained growth in general and creates a formal and committed system for developing leadership capabilities in Infoscions. The most significant attribute of the Infosys leadership development model is its partnership approach with the other groups in Infosys and the ownership of the entire process by the top management in what is termed as the Internal Synergy Model. ILI is based at a world-class physical infrastructure, in Mysore, India ISSUES THAT CAN BE RESOLVED AT THE TIME OF GLOBAL RECESSION How to increase the falling output How to reduce cost How to motivateemployees How to achieve target How to increase falling share price How to increase the consumer confidence so that he can spend money to buy the services of the company. SOLUTION TO THE ABOVE ISSUES/PROBLEMS Training should be evaluated several times during the process. Determine these milestones when you develop the training. Employees should be evaluated by comparing their newly acquired skills with the skills defined by the goals of the training program. Any discrepancies should be noted and adjustments made to the training program to enable it to meet specified goals. Many training programs fall short of their expectations simply because the administrator failed to evaluate its progress until it was too late. Timely evaluation will prevent the training from straying from its goals. SUGGESTIONS TIPS FOR EMPLOYEES TO SURVIVE IN THE RECESSION 1) Upgrade Your Skills Make a Strong Profile Unless you are multi skilled, it is going to be difficult for us to survive in the emerging context. When you are out of a project, take that as a boon period to upgrade your skills. Be in testing released certifications like ISTQB, CSTE, CSQA or tools related certifications like AIS, ASE or domain related certifications in Insurance, Banking or telecom is going to help you to improve your profile. 2) Learn to Manage Stress One more critical skill, which we need to learn, is stress management. As we move on, we will get more work related pressure and this will improve further due to the cost cutting and operating margin pressure on the IT companies. 3) Be Always Ready to Face Challenges Every other day, you can see news of IT firms downsizing employees. This is hard reality in countries like India where job security is associated with the work life. It is not the question of you being a performer or non-performer, but the question of available business and required resources. One should not get de-motivated or depressed by these events in life. In western countries, job hoping is a regular feature in life cycle but in India we are yet to get accosted to this. If you happen to face this, take it bravely and face the challenges. Cross skill will help you during this time. If you cant guarantee peoples jobs and you have to let some of them go, make an effort to help them along: free training, introductions to job agencies, recommendations to other companies that may be hiring. This is going to motivate those who are staying, because they will see you as an employer who cares and goes the extra mile, even in a bad situation. TRAINING METHODS THAT CAN BE USEFUL IN RECESSION PERIOD Training methods that are useful in recession period is on the job method because it reduces cost and also reduce the training time and employee can directly learn by persuing his job so it will be beneficial for the organization to use on the job methods. Comapnies can use training methods like Orientations job instruction Technical training apprenticeships internships and assistantships job rotation and coaching Training also improves employee loyalty. It shows your employees that you are investing in them that you believe in them and they will return the favor. When you provide training, your employees morale and confidence are elevated. When employee morale is up, the work environment is better, fewer errors are made and more work is accomplished. The other useful training methods are as following: webinars and podcasts: these are free. Most cost less than off-site conferences. In addition, there are no travel expenses or time away from the office to incur with e-learning. E-learning allows your employees to build their skills from the convenience of their home or office and often whenever they choose. It gives them ultimate flexibility. Employees motivation: should motivate the employees so that they can do their work more efficiently. Time management: they should tell about the time management so that they can do more work in less time and there can be more productivity that can reduce total cost. Stress management: They should be given some classes to tell them how to be stress free and how to do their work without burden or should be given some refreshments so that they can be stress free. With the global economic recession, you may have to make drastic changes to stay afloat. However, keep in mind that employee training is still very important and can be cost-effective. The long-term results of investing in your employees during this time are immeasurable. CONCLUSION After analysing all the training methods of wipro and infosys during recession, before recession and after recession period we come to know the following main findings The training methods were different before recession in both wipro and infosys. Companies use to give training to employees in term of technology mainly but not give more attention to behavioural or soft skills. Classroom lecture Verbal presentations Technical skills Product application knowledge And at the time of recession companies reduce its investment for training purposes and employees were given training only for the important things. Companies pay less money in training during recession. And employees were given training as per their needs or training so as to survive in recession period that is how to reduce cost How to increase productivity How to keep customers happy How to increase market share And now at present after the recession the companies are again paying more effencies to training needs of the employees. Now the employees are trained in terms of good interpersonal skills, behavioural skills technical skills motivation things Quality process training Leadership skills
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Effect of DDT on the Environment
Effect of DDT on the Environment Effect of DDT to This Environment Pesticides became a bad forebode in agriculture since mid-twentieth century. In agriculture, pesticides are an important element to control the major vector-borne diseases such as malaria and visceral leishmaniasis. There are 4 major groups of pesticides: insecticides, rodenticides, herbicides and fungicides. Although pesticides are vital to protect the crop and also human health in the whole world, but due to their detrimental effects on natural ecosystems more deaths are cause by the pesticide poisoning than infectious diseases. Hence, we should focus more on the short and long term harms of pesticides on the environment. Most of the pesticides are highly toxic and will have immediate adverse effects on human health and also wildlife. Besides that, pesticides which spray on the plant at ground will easily contaminate the soil, water and air. The chronic consequences cause by pesticide including neurotoxic, carcinogenic, immunotoxic, hormonal and reproductive effects. One of the hig hly problematic pesticides is the insecticide dichlorodiphenlytrichoroethane also known as DDT. 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis-(p-chlorophenyl)ethane is the scientific name of DDT and the chemical formula is C14H9Cl5. DDT is build up by 14 carbon, 9 hydrogen and 5 chlorine atoms (Figure 1). Figure 1. Molecular structure of DDT. In its nature form, DDT is crystalline powder with odorless to slightly fragrant in white color. The melting point is at 108.5Ãâ¹Ã
¡C, and boiling point at 185Ãâ¹Ã
¡C. DDT is highly insoluble in water but is soluble in most organic solvents. This molecule is lipophilic and partitions readily into the fat of all living organisms. Biomagnification and bioaccumulation in the food web make this molecule become more negative impact to the organisms. When the DDT break down the product will be 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(4-chlorophenyl)ethane (DDD or TDE) and 1,1-dichloro-2,2bis(4-chlorophenyl)ethylene)(DDE). These two compounds are actually also present everywhere in the environment and are more persistent than the parent compound (Ritter, Solomon, Forget, 1996). DDT is an organochlorine insecticide and is considered a persistent organic pollutant (POP) (PAN Germany for PAN International, 2009). According to Turusov et al. (2002), in year 1874, DDT was first synthesized but until year 1943 its insecticidal properties just discovered and in 1943 large-scale industrial production are started. DDT is contributed to worldwide use and widely accepted by people because of its low price and effectiveness to control malaria and typhus during and immediately after World War II. In order to control the agriculture and forest pests, much more DDT was used after 1945. About 400,000 tons of DDTs were used yearly in this world at 1960s, and 70 ââ¬â 80% was used for agriculture (Turusov et al., 2002). DDT is a persistent, widespread environmental contaminant that causes significant anatomical, behavioral abnormalities and physiological in humans and also wildlife (Iwaniuk, et al., 2006). In January 1970, the first country ââ¬â Sweden had banned the use of DDT. In the same year, the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R) was prohibited all DDT and DDT-based products for use as pesticides because of their destruction and persistence effect by bioaccumulation and the carcinogenicity. The production and use of DDT in agriculture were banned too in 1981, but the use for public health purposed was still allowed. In year 1972, most uses of DDT were banned in other countries. The use of DDT has been banned in 34 countries and severely restricted in 34 other countries. Argentina, Australia, Bulgaria, Canada, Colombia, Cyprus, Ethiopia, Finland, Hong Kong, Japan, Mozambique, Lebanon, Switzerland, Norway, and USA are the countries that have banned DDT. The countries that have severely restricted its use include Thailand, Israel, Panama, Kenya, Mexico, Belize, India, Ecuador and the EU (Ritter, Solomon, Forget, 1996). DDT is not very strong toxic like most of the organochlorine insecticides, but this chemical is widely use and spread (Ritter, Solomon, Forget, 1996). In Turusov et al. (2001) study showed that the process of biodegradation of this chemical is very slow and it will persists for a long time in the environment. DDT will likely to accumulate in the food chain and in the tissues of living organisms. When expose to DDT and digest it, this molecule will store in all the tissues, especially in fat. Bioaccumulation occurred by accumulate the DDT from small concentration to high concentration in the food web. Due to it widespread, uncontrolled, and intensive use, this chemical has resulted in worldwide pollution. In the body of all birds and fishes analyzed in the study of Turusov et al. (2001), DDT residues are found even in those living in desert areas or in the depths of the oceans. Human are most likely to be exposed to DDT from the food they eat. Almost all the meat, fish, and dairy products are contaminating with DDT. Hence, by eating, breathing or touching the products which contaminated with DDT, this chemical will easily absorbed into our body. After ingested, DDT will convert into several breakdown products called metabolites that included DDE and stored in the fatty tissues. For the pregnant women, DDT and DDE can be passed to the fetus by breast feeding (Centers for Disease Control and Preventation, 2009). If human expose to high concentration of DDT, the symptoms like vomiting, tremors or shakiness, and seizures will occur. Besides that, DDT also considered a possible human carcinogen. Birds usually played a major role in creating awareness of pollution problems. Birds are most probably believed to expose to DDT by ingestion (Enrlich, et al. 1988). The pesticide can be swallowing by the birds directly or the birds eat the contaminated prey. Besides that, they may also ingest pesticide residues off feathers while preening, or they may drink or bathe in contaminated water. When the birds expose to aerially spread DDT, the chemical will absorbed through the skin or inhaled into the body (Edwards, 2004). DDT and DDE are persistent as they tend to concentrate as they move through the food chain (Figure 2). In the marine communities, the contaminated planktons are eaten by small fishes, and then bigger fishes will consume small fishes. DDTs are passing from a small concentration in planktons to bigger fish. DDT will store in the fatty acid of fishes, when fish-eating birds consume the fish, all the bio accumulated DDT will pass into the birdââ¬â¢s body. Most of the DD T from numerous fishes ends up in the body of few birds. Bioaccumulation of DDT in birds high on food chains occurs not only because there is usually reduced biomass at each step in those chains, but also because predatory birds tend to live a long time. DDT take in only a little per day, but when they keep most of what they get and they live many days (Deinlein, n.d.). Figure 2. Bioaccumulation of DDT. DDT with high concentration does not usually kill the bird outright. However, DDT and its relatives will alter the birdââ¬â¢s calcium metabolism in a way that results in thin eggshells (Edwards, 2004). Since the eggshells are too thin and are unable to support the weight of the embryo of bird, heavily DDT-infested Brown Pelicans and Bald Eagles tend to find omelets in their nests. DDT resulted in the decimation of the Brown Pelican populations in much of North America and the extermination the Peregrine Falcon in the eastern United States and southeastern Canada. Shell-thinning caused lesser declines in populations of Golden and Bald Eagles and White Pelicans, among others (Enrlich, et al. 1988). Fortunately, the scientists are able to figure out the cause of the breeding failures in time, and the use of DDT was banned almost completely in the US at 1972. The Arctic, polar bears also become one of the victims of DDT. Chemical pollutants are carried towards the Arctic Ocean by the great continental rivers of Russia and Canada. DDT that in the sea are wafted northwards by the currents. Even the DDT molecule in the air will be carry by winds to the Arctic, where they condense in the cold and fall to the ground in snow or hail. The most direct and effective way to bring DDT that will cause an effect to polar bear and its offspring is biomagnification. DDTs are biomagnify as they move up the food chain from the small plankton to polar bear. As polar bear is the carnivores, it accumulates the most concentrated amounts of them. Before the hibernation, polar bear will consume large amount of fish to store as fat. DDT which accumulates in the fish will then store in the fatty tissues. When the polar bear start to use the fat during hibernation, DDT is being release and causes the death. In addition, DDT will also reduce the polar bear capacity to bread and lower their immune system (Polar bears: Walking on thin ice, 2006). The available epidemiologic and scientific data indicate that the presence and persistence of DDT and its metabolites worldwide are still problems of great relevance to public health. It has been debated at the United Nations Environment Program whether DDT should have been totally banned together with 11 other persistent organic pollutants. However, the total ban of DDT was sharply criticized in South Africa. This is because, a temporary total ban on the use of DDT for indoor spraying resulted in a sudden increase in malaria. Now, 11 countries in Africa, 7 in Asia, and 5 in Latin America still use DDT for vector disease control (Turusov et al., 2002). There is a general consensus that limited and strictly controlled use of DDT should be allowed for public health purposes, in particular where other effective, safe, and affordable alternatives are not available, and the benefits are clearly far superior to possible risks. In conclusion, to solve the problem of DDT an efficient pestici des that do not have the negative properties of DDT and its metabolites should be sought with the goal of replacing DDT completely. References Centers for Disease Control and Preventation (CDC), (2009). Retrieved from Deinlein, M. (n.d.). Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center. When it comes to pesticides, birds are sitting ducks. Retrieved from Edwards, J. G. (2004). DDT: A case study in scientific fraud. Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, 9, 3, 83-88. Ehrlich, P. R., Dobkin, D. S., Wheye, D. (1988). DDT and birds. Retrieved from Iwaniuk, A. N., Koperski, D. T., Cheng, K. M., Elliott, J. E., Smith, L. K., â⬠¦, Wylie, D. R. W. (2006). The effects of environmental exposure to DDT on the brain of a songbird: Changes in structures associated with mating and song. Behavioural BrainResearch, 173, 1-10. Polar bears: Walking on thin ice. (2006). Retrieved from Ritter, L., Solomon, K. R., Forget, J. (1996). Persistent organic pollutants. Retrieved from Turusov, V., Rakitsky, V. Tomatis, L. (2002). DIchlorodiphenytrichloroethane (DDT): Ubiquity, persistence, and risks. Environmental Health Perspectives, 110, 2, 125-128.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Figure Of Christ In lord Of The Flies :: essays research papers
"CHRIST" IN LORD OF THE FLIES Many critics have compared the character of Simon in the book Lord of the Flies to a Christ figure. After reading this book I also found out that Simon and Christ had a lot in common. The first time we, readers start considering Simon a special person, different from the others is when we see him the only one to helping the littluns to gather fruits they were unable to reach. "Simon found for them the fruit they could not reach, pulled off the choicest from up in the foliage, passed them back down to the endless, outstretched hands." (p.51) So we know about Jesus -- carrying about starving and suffering. After Christ was baptized he walked away to the desert and stayed there for forty days, meditating and praying. So did Simon. He felt better walking in the jungle alone, thinking, probably, dreaming, enjoying the power and the beauty of the nature. In that desert Christ also talked to God and I think it was the God's appeal to Simon when the large ray of light fell down from the sky. "Beyond the screen of leaves the sunlight pelted down and the butterflies danced in the middle their unending dance."(p.120) Simon did not fear it and he faced it. As Christ facing God, Simon knelt. Physical help to people was not the main task of Christ -- he taught, gave sermons, appealed to clear their souls and thoughts - to get rid of internal evil. As well Simon was the only one who supposed that the beast they were so afraid of was, probably, inside them. "What I mean is . . . maybe it's only us." (p.80) God chose Christ from all others to fulfill the most important task because Jesus was sinless and saint. Simon was the only one on that island with clear soul and the good inside him without any ambitions of power and suppression. So it was his destiny and privedge to confront the "beast" first and to talk to it The Lord of the Flies told Simon that the evil was inside the boys and for that reason - invinsible. It was trying to tempt Simon saying that he was initially good but everyone was going to have fun on the island so Simon has to quit being perfect and become like the rest of the boys.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Cervical Cancer: The Best Form of Prevention Is To Be Informed And Awar
Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer among women and the leading cause of death among women in underdeveloped countries. In fact, 500,000 cases are diagnosed each year worldwide. This particular cancer is found mainly in middle-aged to older women; it is very rare to find it in women age fifteen and younger. The average age of women with cervical cancer is age 50-55; however, the cancer begins to appear in women in their twenties (2). It is also found in women of lower-class areas, as they are not able to see a gynecologist to be screened. African American, Hispanic, and Native American women are more prone to developing cervical cancer as well (1). The cervix is an organ in the female reproductive system; it is the entrance to the uterus. Cancer of the cervix develops in the lining of the cervix. The normal cells go through abnormal changes and become precancerous cells. These changes are called Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia (CIN). CIN is categorized as low grade and high grade. It progresses to one of two conditions: (a) Squamos Intraepithelial Lesion (SIL) which leads to invasive cervical cancer, or (b) Carcinoma in Situ which is non-invasive, or localized, cervical cancer (1). The causes of cervical cancer are unknown. However, scientists believe that there is a link between two kinds of Human Papallomavirus (HPV) and the cancer. HPV is a group of 100 different viruses. Some types of HPV cause warts and are considered "low-risk" when discussing causes of cervical cancer. However, other types of HPV cause precancerous conditions, resulting in different types of genital cancers, and is therefore considered "high-risk" (1). HPV is a sexually transmitted disease and it is extremely contagious. Recent resear... ...t like everyone else. Here is the unsettling part: Had I skipped that Pap smear during my sophomore year, I would have had invasive cervical cancer within a year and would have had to undergo chemotherapy. So once again, and I cannot stress this enough, the best form of prevention of cervical cancer is to be informed and aware. If you are a woman age 18 or older, whether you are sexually active or not, go see a gynecologist. References 1)Oncology Channel 2)American Cancer Society: Do We Know What Causes Cervical Cancer? 3) Pap Smears 4)Cervical Dysplasia Causes
In Contempt By Christopher Darden: A Review :: essays research papers
In Contempt by Christopher Darden: A Review à à à à à This report is based upon the book In Contempt, written by Christopher A. Darden with Jess Walter. This book is published by Regan Books an imprint of Harper Collins Publishers and is copyrighted 1996 by Christopher A. Darden. Introduction of the Author à à à à à The book In Contempt was written by Christopher A. Darden. Chris Darden is famous for being one of the prosecuting attorneys in the court case, The People vs. Simpson. He has worked hard his whole life to reach the status he has now achieved. He proved to America that even though he wasn't a high-priced private lawyer that he could present a well-thought out and planned case under tremendous pressure he and the other prosecutors had to endure during the Simpson case. Summary à à à à à I found this book to be very well thought out and well written. Most people would assume that this book was written with the intentions of making a quick-buck off the misfortune of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman. I, however, do not believe this to be true. The way that he speaks of the victims in the book, and the way he spoke of them before and after the trial shows that he really cared about the lives of these people that he didn't even know. He even went as far as to say in the book that this was the first case that affected him personally and emotionally. As one may expect the majority of this book is taken up with the Simpson case but, chapters two through six detail his life from birth, his childhood in a working class district of Richmond, California, and becoming a district attorney of Los Angeles in 1981. Chapters two and three mostly consist of stories of him and his brother, Michael, stealing from local stores or his brothers drug deals. When Michael hit his mid-teens hestarted selling marijuana off the front porch of the house and Chris was his lookout. In return, he was told that he would be cut in on the action (but never was). No matter what, Michael always told Chris never to use drugs. Throughout the book Chris Darden refers to his brother as a good role model for him no matter what he did. à à à à à I feel the purpose of Chris Darden writing this book is to try to show the hardships he had to go through as a black man trying to become a lawyer. Also I feel that he is trying to reveal the truth behind what was happening in the Simpson case. Body of the Review In Contempt By Christopher Darden: A Review :: essays research papers In Contempt by Christopher Darden: A Review à à à à à This report is based upon the book In Contempt, written by Christopher A. Darden with Jess Walter. This book is published by Regan Books an imprint of Harper Collins Publishers and is copyrighted 1996 by Christopher A. Darden. Introduction of the Author à à à à à The book In Contempt was written by Christopher A. Darden. Chris Darden is famous for being one of the prosecuting attorneys in the court case, The People vs. Simpson. He has worked hard his whole life to reach the status he has now achieved. He proved to America that even though he wasn't a high-priced private lawyer that he could present a well-thought out and planned case under tremendous pressure he and the other prosecutors had to endure during the Simpson case. Summary à à à à à I found this book to be very well thought out and well written. Most people would assume that this book was written with the intentions of making a quick-buck off the misfortune of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman. I, however, do not believe this to be true. The way that he speaks of the victims in the book, and the way he spoke of them before and after the trial shows that he really cared about the lives of these people that he didn't even know. He even went as far as to say in the book that this was the first case that affected him personally and emotionally. As one may expect the majority of this book is taken up with the Simpson case but, chapters two through six detail his life from birth, his childhood in a working class district of Richmond, California, and becoming a district attorney of Los Angeles in 1981. Chapters two and three mostly consist of stories of him and his brother, Michael, stealing from local stores or his brothers drug deals. When Michael hit his mid-teens hestarted selling marijuana off the front porch of the house and Chris was his lookout. In return, he was told that he would be cut in on the action (but never was). No matter what, Michael always told Chris never to use drugs. Throughout the book Chris Darden refers to his brother as a good role model for him no matter what he did. à à à à à I feel the purpose of Chris Darden writing this book is to try to show the hardships he had to go through as a black man trying to become a lawyer. Also I feel that he is trying to reveal the truth behind what was happening in the Simpson case. Body of the Review
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Gaelic football Essay
My chosen sport is Gaelic football and my local club is called Roger Casements GAC which is situated in the medium sized town of Portglenone. The club was founded in 1940. It is a GAA club with the aim ââ¬Å"The GAA is a community based volunteer organisation promoting Gaelic Games, culture and lifelong participationâ⬠( There are 9 teams in my club ranging from under 6 years to seniors, with 20 -25 players on each panel. The club is organised by an elected committee comprising 12 people and assisted by the backroom team for the organisation and management of the teams. The club is the pride of the community with many paying members, 300 in total. The Antrim county board organises fixtures for senior players whereas the southwest Antrim board organises matches at juvenile levels. Development from Grass Roots to Elite: Grass Roots ââ¬â The lowest level in Roger Casements is the under 6 team which trains weekly and play small scale friendly matches against other local teams. Skill development is the main focus at this young age. Schools ââ¬â The secondary schools in the area also support the development of young players. Local schools such as St. Louis and St. Maryââ¬â¢s have a high reputation of producing successful Gaelic teams. The standard of competition increases progressively through the age groups as players have access a higher level of coaching and better training facilities. Club ââ¬â Players progress through the age-groups until they reach senior level, the pinnacle of club football where they compete in the county championship and the county league with the aim of becoming All- County champions. Elite ââ¬â The elite level for a Gaelic player is the senior county level i.e. elite. To play for oneââ¬â¢s county is a great achievement. Regional Development Squad Under age players Senior County player Majority of club players and School Finances of the club: The club raises finances in a number of ways; The weekly club lotto. Advertising panels around the pitch to attract the capital of local businesses. Sponsorship by local businesses in return for the name and logo being featured on the team jersey. Additional social events at the pavilion such as a fancy dress Halloween ball, the X-factor, Golf days and Tribute Acts. Gate receipts from matches. Members pay an annual fee of twenty pounds which includes insurance for the players.. The Lottery funding project is supporting Casements Gac in the provision of new facilities as are the Antrim county board. Facilities: The club benefits from the use of private facilities, bought and paid for over fifty years. It owns its own land consisting of one pitch and high quality changing rooms. Casements also own a club pavilion with a bar and indoor hall which is available to the general public. There is also a local Gaelic pitch owned by the district council which helps the club avail of the use of limited public sector facilities. Local schools, colleges and clubs: The local schools genuinely get on well with each other and allow their facilities to be used for community use. We train in our own pitch, a community pitch or the school pitch. Casements facilities are largely open for community use and other teams may book them by request. Gaelic football is now a major sport with schools as it is taught on the curriculum. The local primary school encourages young children to join Casements to develop their game. Post-primary schools help to further develop a player and work well with my club in organising facilities and training. Club Schemes: The club runs many GAA accredited schemes such as the mini 7ââ¬â¢s, Cà ºl Camp and internal club award schemes. The club has a prize giving ceremony every year in which the ââ¬Å"player of the yearâ⬠and ââ¬Å"most improvedâ⬠awards are presented. The club also runs a Cà ºl camp to develop the ââ¬ËFUNdamentalââ¬â¢ skills of the younger players with the emphasis on fun as well as skill ( The club within the voluntary sector as it is run and financed by volunteers. The GAA is a voluntary organisation where managers and players volunteer to take part. Officials are paid a small sum to encourage officiating and as there are small numbers. Disabled Members: Unfortunately, locally there are no GAA activities for the disabled. However proper access is availoable and everyone is made to feel part of the community. Disabled members also have the chance to manage and help to develop young players. Gender issues: The club caters for menââ¬â¢s Gaelic football and ladies camogie at all ages. Unfortunately there is a gender bias within the GAA as a whole as women arenââ¬â¢t allowed to compete with the males. Casements doesnââ¬â¢t cater for a menââ¬â¢s hurling team or a womenââ¬â¢s Gaelic team. Lack of numbers is a major influence. I can safely link my role as a leader and performer at my local club. It has clearly developed me as a performer from a young age and this has given me the characteristics and qualities necessary to be a leader. There are also opportunities to become involved in coaching and officiating from a young age e.g. young whistlers and coaching foundation course where there are regular classes in local areas. These are run by the Ulster Council and are generally free to members of the GAA. Critique: Sourcing my information for this study was relatively easy due to the varied supply of information. What I did find less pleasing was the fact that there arenââ¬â¢t any real efforts currently being made within the GAA to adapt the game for people with disabilities, unlike some other sports. This is an area for potential development by the GAA. Female participation is well established in the county and indeed in Ireland but unfortunately, in my club, there arenââ¬â¢t sufficient numbers interested to warrant a team. There are few local public sector facilities available which limit the clubs use of these e.g. leisure centres and gyms. Bibliography: Roger Casements GAC-A history of 60 years
Friday, August 16, 2019
The Performing Arts and the Social Sciences
Music & Storytelling: When all of the slaves were freed in The Invisible Princess, there was ââ¬Å"music and dancing and storytelling. â⬠Visual Art: Faith Ringgold says that ââ¬Å"art is about more than just technique and style. It's about ideasâ⬠( Talking to Faith Ringgold, p. 23). She gets her ideas from events that are happening around her. (Refer to the painting on pp. 23-24. ) Creative Drama: Martin Luther King, Jr. is famous for his ââ¬Å"I Have a Dreamâ⬠speech. The class can spin ideas from the book and research other African Americans who made a big impact on the freedom of their race.From here, the class can stage a production play. Language Arts: The Invisible Princess is an original fairy tale. The conflict in most fairy tales is good vs. evil. Fairy tales originated from dreams. Social Studies: The location of the terminals on the Underground Railroad are all across the United States. Tar Beach is set in Harlem during the Great Depression. Science â⠬â Cotton was grown on most of the large plantations in the South. The students can learn about the production of cotton and the other industries related to it. 2. Harry Sue by Sue Stauffacher, Illustrated by Sue Stauffacher. Yearling (April 10, 2007)Harry Sue is the moving, heartfelt, and sometimes funny story of a girl desperate for her motherââ¬â¢s love, and how compassion, resilience, and friendship can help a person survive just about any hardship that life can dish out. The Performing Arts and the Social Sciences Language Arts: Early on in the book, Harry Sue says, ââ¬Å"Everybody has a back story, Fish. Garnett, Mary Bell, Homer, me. Remember that when youââ¬â¢re eyeballing a new con. The real story starts somewhere in the past. â⬠(p. 23) This can be a good writing exercise for students; they will think about their ââ¬Å"back storiesâ⬠and create a narrative.Drama: There are parts of the story that are especially suited to a live performance, such as the standoff between Harry Sue and Granny in the basement, or one of the meals that Baba and Harry Sue share together in the art room. Students can learn their lines and to rehearse their scenes for a performance. Social Studies: Baba shares with Harry Sue his experiences and terrible personal loss as one of the ââ¬Å"Lost Boys of Sudan. â⬠The students can learn about the Sudanese civil war that resulted in thousands of refugees, and the story of how many of these boys were brought to the United States to start a new life.As a child of an incarcerated parent, Harry Sue is at greater risk of dropping out of school, abusing drugs and alcohol, experiencing mental illness, and committing crimes than children whose parents are not imprisoned. Students can research children of prisoners and and report on their findings. As an extension, the students can brainstorm what they can do as a class to help children of prisoners in their own community. Science: With a T-5 spinal cord injury, Homer Price is a quadriplegic. Unable to use his four limbs, he can only use the parts of his body above the neck: his head, mouth, and tongue.J-Cat introduces Homer to a device that allows him to draw using a light pen held in the mouth. With technology, Homer is again able to work out his inventions on paper. Students can research advances in spinal cord injury technology, and how severely disabled people like Homer are using these technologies to better their lives. Harry Sue finds solace in Mrs. Meadââ¬â¢s garden, and at the end of the story, she gardens with Moonie Pie and the other children at Baba and J-Catââ¬â¢s day care center as a way of healing her heart and her brain. Students can research gardening or horticultural therapy and how it is used.In the spring, plant a Harry Sue flower garden with native flowers and plants that are as tough and resilient as Harry Sue. Art: J-Cat compares Homerââ¬â¢s situation to that of the great artist Henri Matisse toward the end of his life. When Matisse was no longer able to hold a paint brush, his assistants fastened a pencil to his hand so he could continue to draw. He also used large scissors to create the body of work known as cutouts. Students can explore the late work of Henri Matisse via the public library and the Internet. Students can then create their own cut paper collage inspired by the work of Matisse.BOOKS FOR GRADES 4-8 1. The Egypt Game by Zilpha Keatley Snyder, Yearling (December 1, 1985) In The Egypt Game, April Hall, an insecure and lonely 11-year-old, comes to live with her grandmother and surprises herself when she forms an immediate friendship with her neighbor Melanie Ross. April and Melanie, who share an unusual interest in ancient Egypt, use their intellect and vivid imaginations to develop an elaborate game of ââ¬Å"Egypt. â⬠Gradually, the game becomes more and more real, and frightening things begin to happen in the neighborhood. The children are faced with a soul-searchin g question: Has the game gone too far?The Performing Arts and the Social Sciences Language Arts: Each participant in The Egypt Game chooses an Egyptian name and its hieroglyphic symbol. Students can research library about the gods and goddesses of ancient Egypt. They can select an Egyptian name for themselves and create its hieroglyphic symbol. They can also compose a paragraph telling why they selected their particular names. Mysteries are solved in The Egypt Game and The Gypsy Game. At the end of The Egypt Game, April and Marshall's picture is in the newspaper along with a story about how Marshall helped the Professor save April.Students can write the article that appears in the newspaper. They can include quotations from each of the children of ââ¬Å"Egypt,â⬠various people from the neighborhood, and the Professor. Theater Arts: The characters in the book commune in a vacant lot where they play a game where they play specific roles as they try to reenact ancient Egyptian ri tuals. Students can learn about drama and how to study and act out a character. A play production of the book can also be staged. Social Studies: April and her friends conduct research about Egyptians and Gypsies before engaging in their games.Students can be asked to name other ancient cultures that they have studied, such as the Incas and Aztecs, and the ancient Babylonians, Chinese, and Greeks. Students should be equipped to speculate on which of the cultures would most likely interest April and Melanie and why. The Egypt Game, the children decide to perform an Egyptian ââ¬Å"Ceremony for the Dead. â⬠They think they will mummify the bird. Students can research the process of mummification, and how scientists determine the age of ancient mummies. 2. Adam of the Road (Puffin Modern Classics) by Elizabeth Janet Gray.Puffin (October 5, 2006) Adam of the Road is the story of eleven-year-old Adam who wishes to be a minstrel like his father, Roger. The story takes place in thirte enth-century England. Adam with his minstrel father, Roger, and his faithful cocker spaniel, Nick, are on their way to the Fair of St. Giles. Even good minstrels like Roger are not kept by their masters during the summer months and are forced to travel the countryside in search of work. While walking along the great roads of southern England, Adam's dog, Nick, is stolen. As he tries to catch the thief, he becomes separated from Roger.So begins a time of adventure for Adam. During nearly a year, while Adam continues to look for his dog and his father, he meets many strangers ââ¬â jugglers, minstrels, plowmen, and nobles ââ¬â who try to convince him that their life is best. Instead, Adam chooses to be a minstrel and is completely happy when he is reunited with his beloved father and his dog. The Performing Arts and the Social Sciences Language Arts: The English used in the book is mostly the terms used in the time of its printing, and outdated words are to be encountered.The b ook is for seventh grade Language Arts and fits well within an interdisciplinary unit on the Middle Ages. There are also 29 other books cited in the book, as well as excerpts from poetry. Students can research such literary pieces and that could be an aid to them in learning about the literature of Medieval Europe. Performing Arts: Music is a vital aspect of this book, as the main character is a singer and also a harp player. Moreover, the minstrels in the book also are singers. There is a great deal of singing here, and many characters are described as singing famous songs of that time.Social Studies: When the students are studying Medieval Europe in social studies, they can be reading Adam of the Road and researching life in the Middle Ages in Language Arts class. In the book, the presence of minstrels and knights in specific are interesting points to tackle. History: The book is set in Medieval Times and students can also research about the significance of that era and how we can relate the events in that time to our time today. There can be sessions where students can compare and contrast the past and the present.Science:Science as we can deduce, is not yet as advanced in the book as it is today. People back then travel by horse-drawn vehicles such as carriages and horse carts. Students can research about how transportation evolved and the Medieval Times may be their starting point. REFERENCES Pat Scales, Director of Library Services of the South Carolina Governor's School for the Arts and Humanities in Greenville, SC. http://www. randomhouse. com/catalog/display. pperl? isbn=9780517885437&view=tg Colleen Carroll, Education Consultant, Curriculum Writer and Author.http://www. randomhouse. com/kids/catalog/display. pperl? isbn=9780375832741&view=tg http://www. randomhouse. com/teachers/catalog/display. pperl? isbn=9780440422259&view=tg Deborah Gaulin 1997. http://www. sdcoe. k12. ca. us/score/adam/adamtg. html Aunt Harriet's Underground Railroad in the Sky by Faith Ringgold, Illustrated by Faith Ringgold. Dragonfly Books (1995) Harry Sue by Sue Stauffacher. Illustrated by Sue Stauffacher. Yearling (2007) The Egypt Game by Zilpha Keatley Snyder, Yearling (1985) Adam of the Road by Elizabeth Janet Gray. Puffin (2006)
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Marcel Duchamp Pablo Picasso and Andy Warhole
The artistic exchange of ideas and influences can profoundly affect the art world'- Explore this statement with reference to a range of artists and artworks. Artistic exchange is a conceptual idea involving the exchange of artistic methods, ideas, and other elements of an artist's practice; and if an artist is a pioneer or an innovator, their ideas can resonate through exchange to transform the entire art world. Throughout the 20th Century the shaping of the art world came into play through ideas, expression, education and one result of this was the age ofModernism. There was much social ad political unrest sweeping through Europe, during the beginning of the twentieth century which contributed to the breaking of the traditional art barriers. The works of Pablo Picasso, Marcel Decamp and Andy Warhol strongly affected the art world with their individual yet diverse techniques and styles. These artists broke away from traditional art and its boundaries in order to exchange ideas and co nventions regarding the aesthetics which opposed accepted societal standards.These ideas were profoundly influenced the art world. Marcel Duchess's art making practice was characterized by its humor, variety, the unconventionality of its media and its persistent exploration of art's boundaries. Decamp was involved with the avian-garden movements during the Modernist period, and as an iconoclast, he abandoned these artistic principles, with the aim of rejecting convention such as his distaste for art that was pleasing to the eye'. Works exemplifying these beliefs include Bicycle Wheel (1913) and L. H. O. O.Q (1919) which caused controversy over their acceptance as ââ¬Ëart'. Bicycle Wheel is a redeemed (a tool supporting an upside-down bicycle wheel) that Decamp has decentralized as well as displacing its original function, thereby transforming an industrial, mass produced object into a work of art. Duchess's art making approach could be considered satirical, as it often ridiculed the ideals established by society. L. H. O. O. Q is an altered postcard of the Mona Lisa that Decamp has satirized by drawing a moustache and goatee on the face of this iconic figure.This notion of ââ¬Ëdefacing' a Ad Vinci masterpiece was very shocking to the art world during the early 20th century, revoking controversy as it was not handmade, but redeemed and ridiculous, thereby questioning what really defined art. The avian-garden character of Duchess's work influenced the art world by encouraging the critical question of what constitutes art. The influence of Duchess's ideas an practice have been imprinted in many of the works of American modernist Andy Warhol.Whorl's Campbell Soup Cans (1962) and Marilyn 1962 build on Duchess's concept of the redeemed and have inspired a genre of artworks that employ the techniques of reclassification and appropriation. As a leading artist of the sass's Pop Art movement, Warhol was revolutionary in his appropriation of popular culture. Whorl' s work explored the processes of silk screening, and for the first time was using assistants to produce artworks. The process of silk screening enabled Warhol to investigate mass- production techniques, which is evidenced in his work through his use of repetition, cropping, overprinting and the use of the grid.Warhol used a ââ¬Å"ready madeâ⬠image of Marilyn Monroe from a commercial publicity shot, and then altered this appropriated image. Warhol plays with reclassification in a similar fashion to Decamp. Warhol takes this idea further than simply rejecting past values by persuading the audience to question the relationship between culture and the media, and to define the sass's perception of celebrity. Whorl's artworks mimic the processes and subject matter of mass production. This artwork signals a loss of individuality for Marilyn Monroe: she is a multiple and she is banal, yet Marilyn is symbolically a most potent American icon.Whorl's artworks, particularly portraits, ar e a social chronicle of the time. Whorl's work titled Campbell Soup Cans(1962) also stems from the concept of appropriation and the redefining of context. ââ¬ËCampbell Soup Cans' appropriates images from popular American culture, exploring the idea of combining art and centralization. Warhol has used polymer paint and silkscreen ink on plywood to replicate the once mass-produced sales product. In making this decision, Warhol has consciously blurred the line between art and consumerism.This particular concept had a profound impact on the art world due to its disputed classification as art ââ¬â categorized by some as ââ¬Ëmerchandise'. The similarities between the thought processes of Marcel Decamp and Andy Warhol how a distinct exchange in artistic ideas, resulting in profound works which question the established standards of the art world. In exploring the evolution of these artists and their ideas, the profound impact and importance of artistic exchange becomes clear. Artw orks by Pablo Picasso show a clear breach of artistic boundaries to form new ideas.One of the most important roles in the development of modern art was Cubism. The origins of cubism started off with one of the biggest paintings that he had ever done and featured five women, each whose head looked as if it was on backwards. The painting was named Less Demolishes Davidson (1907). The five women portrayed were very ugly and distorted; causing controversy with the audience because they believed that it should have been depicted realistically and professionally, rather than ââ¬Å"creating a mockery to art itselfâ⬠.Picasso had broken all ââ¬Å"the rulesâ⬠while creating this painting, but his main goal was to paint the women from more than one angle at a time, hoping that the audience saw more than what meets the eye. This work was heavily criticized by the art world but Picasso broke away from convention, for what he believed was art. What made Picasso different from other ar tists of his time was that his art reflected his emotions in his personal life and the outside world. He was not afraid to push the boundaries reflecting on contentious and controversial issues such as war and peace.One of the issues that he painted from the Spanish civil war depicts a military revolt against the Republican government of Spain; which had polarize Spanish life and politics over previous decades. In April 1937, Germans who sided with the current dictator of Spain at the time, General Francisco Franco, bombed the town of Queering in northeast Spain, not far from where Picasso grew up. More than sixteen hundred people were killed and almost nine hundred more were injured.Outraged by the murder of all these innocent people, Picasso created his famous, Queering (1937), in blue, black, and white oil tones. The painting portrayed the suffering of people, animals, and buildings and the chaos. It showed a screaming horse, a fallen soldier, and a screaming woman on fire fallin g from a burning house and a mother holding a dead baby. According to Picasso, it was not up to the painter to define the symbols; otherwise, he would have Just written it in words. Queering overall represented the brutality of war in general.It's significant because people actually had to think about the image that they saw, and each perceived it in a different way. Picasso style of painting led people to look deep into the meanings of art rather than Just a superficial aesthetics. The audience were able to relate to Picasso tormented scene. Artistic exchange is a phenomenal act that allows ideas ad techniques to be shared between the art world and the audience. By comparing Marcel Decamp, Andy Warhol and the work of Pablo Picasso one can see how a visionary can affect the art oral.The many accomplishments of these artists not only impacted on the history of their time but the future of how the world saw art. They were involved in different movements in the art world which created a certain vitality for the artistic exchange of ideas and influences. The interchange of ideas and influences greatly affected Picasso , Decamp and Warhol , their artwork and their audiences. Artists shared artistic language allows them to build upon past concepts to produce innovative qualities which resonate through exchanges to greatly influence future generations of artists.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Best High School Experience Essay
My best high school experience would be graduating. Me graduation was the highlight of my teenage life. I was happy to be leaving high school and beginning a new chapter in my life. I was excited to step into adulthood and be independent. Of course I mentally prepared myself for what was to come and I was more than prepared for all the challenges I would face with being on my own and starting college. This would be my first year in college and I can say that everything has been going pretty good. There has been some up and downs along this new journey of mine, but I really canââ¬â¢t complain. I am on the road to success and I know my parents couldnââ¬â¢t be any happier. I hope to someday accomplish my dream of becoming a pediatrician and working with children. I feel proud of myself for coming this for and Iââ¬â¢m glad to say that this is just the beginning. All of this wouldnââ¬â¢t have been possible if I wouldnââ¬â¢t have graduated high school so graduating high scho ol is by far my best experience.
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